the end of the Def Clan :/
hey guys,
i´m sorry to say that we decided to close the DeF Clan.
most of the members gone inactive and its hard to find faithful new ones. We also decided not to lose sight of "DeF" therefore we made the DeF Clan to a DeF Fun Team.
It would be great if the DeF Members (actual and that ones who are a thing of the past) play sometimes tohether again.
possibly even a fw with another clan / team - who knows?
See you soon!
hmm that sucks
best luck for the future then to all of you ^^
that is really sad
gl in future lenad!
damn another..
gl @ all DeF ex members
Does this also mean no more def servers?
germans are great
Does this also mean no more def servers? more def servers
wrote:Does this also mean no more def servers? more def servers
waren die eh nich von feindlug meistens?
germans are great
Is there a way to block one certain image from Without blocking all of them? Please?