The Gothic Castle
This is an old map I dropped a few months ago (sometime last year), it is my third map (at the time) and I gave up on it. Now I found it a couple of weeks ago and decided to start working on it again.
Catacombs of Hell 0.3 Pre-Beta
Need help with item layout and spawn points.
i like fog maps ))))
Fuck fog maps ! It drops my fps under 300 sometimes !
fog is bad when you use it in conjuction with many lighting shaders then it will be laggy! however on normal maps it should run fine. seeing as quite a few of the baseq3 maps have fog. ie fog of death in pits etc.
anyways i would make the fog about a quarter of the thickness as its obscuring vision too much and generally fog is used for atmospheric affect not blinding the player. the level its self is nice. needs more architectural decoration (that does not mean more shaders i mean detail brush work). i look forward to seeing it when its complete it would make a nice 1v1.
about weapon placement just try to not place powerful weapons next to other big power ups. consider it like this if you were playing that level ask yourself where would you camp. then limit the resources in that area so the player moves around more.
edit: can you rename this topic "Catacombs of Hell - map". As i completely missed it the first time.

Fuck fog maps ! It drops my fps under 300 sometimes !
try to play with 125 in cw's

Fuck fog maps ! It drops my fps under 300 sometimes !
ye and at me rarely i have 50 on any map xDD

Fuck fog maps ! It drops my fps under 300 sometimes !
nice to know you can't strafe proper without 333 fps
@grim: people are mostly not as rich as in australia, also map bugs can cause lowfps.
btw, you can run q3 on a 300mhz amd with a tnt2 @ 25 fps.
for 125 you need at least a athlon xp and a good gfx, nevertheless due to many people spamming their system with an ludicrous amount of processes they need at least a dualcore which most don't have.

How old's your computer, 20 years?
3 yo
I actually intended the fog to make you wonder around aimlessly, I might change it though. And the architecture, I've tried making it as detailed as possible, I'll do more though.