the inside jokes - aNk archives
Hahaha, cool. btw guys my new graphics card should be here in the next few days. I'll be testing QL once I get it installed and we'll see if there is room for me in aNk on QL side of things I'm gonna suck at first but you know how that goes, it's like riding a bike. You never lose the skills, you just have to remember them.

Gtfo phil, we're having a moment, here. ANATA GA NIKURASHI, BAKA!^^

No duh. :roll:
You just need some perspective to see how silly e+ community has become. Seriously, i actively engage in a dozen different communities and lurk in even more, and this is about the only place that would give people like Ali and Terror and Spider positions of power. What is it about this community that makes it award the petty, self centered egomaniacs? I hate to sound bitter, i am more curious than anything. Everywhere else you get, at best, marginalized, at worst, ridiculed and eventually banished. Is this what happens when a group of friends take over a płace? Is this what would happen if we were the ones in charge? It really got me thinking. Are we the bad guys to their good guys, a distraction that serves them as a vessel for redirecting their bullshit away from the rest of the community? What would happen if we werent here in the first płace? Tem, contact your deity and mąkę it/him/her answer those difficult questions.
1 word: Xenophobia.
i would say no we would not be as closeminded as people u mentioned (for simple reasons that we can solve discussions peacefully even if shit is retarded and that we didn't get carried away with shit when we were moderators... it's not like e+ was troll free in 07 but we didn't get too carried away ). I was one of the people around Edawn development in may-july. Ina/Skull were just as Xenophobic and petty as Ali and Mowli for example.
Out of all the e+ people, seems not a lot stuck around QL or CPMA. Cos they used to simple pew-pew-pew and the fact they are good at it... I saw Skull ;ash out at Fluff (SE guy, u heard of him, he owned poland in 4v4 nations cup like 2 years ago with funnyB et al) and say "IF THIS WAS EXCESSIVEPLUS I WOULD BEAT YOU". Oh and the community... they are used to be playing on the same server and know the other 30/40 players which constantly play. Cos of all the "Hi, how are you?" factors of playing with people they know rather than 2000 strangers (cos it rly matters if ppl know you used to own a server here 2 years ago).
This, with many players filtering out to play more challenging shit. Or just stopping to play altogether has created e+ the way it is now. I actually stopped reading this forum like a week ago, i just come here when bored to check on aNk priv and on crapbringer. I don't even want to troll things like "we need to attract OSP/CPMA players, to play EXCESSIVE too.". It's just people trying to make their mod better. So what it's only retards or people confined to e+ cos of bad PCs and stuff left. To quote phil, CUNT MOD FOR JERKS.
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