The Q3 Anti Cheat Tutorial
Well, now we could try to realize the server side theory, but then we have to discuss every step in detail and have a will and a server to do tests. And besides I think that the anti-cheat discussion must be continued in the locked forum/
can be done Panda, we alredy got few ideas about
where you can see this forum for anti-cheat? I have a server-standing anti-cheat program for a long time. There are some ideas and observations.

if u have a server side anticheat ney, then u might give it to beast/panda so it might get some attention and maybe will be integrated into e+ mod.
A yes Ney, I forgot about him, a long time ago Ive heard that he has implemented an anti cheat in his TSU version, maybe he can help us
if u need any help with implementing just send me a message, im java programmer not c++ but maybe i could be useful for some jobs.
This program and so did Panda. So she herself knows. But I have my own observations on the behavior of players in terms of this program. If there is a closed forum on this issue, I would like to participate if possible.
Hey, is anyone still into this? I have a quake 3 anticheat project actually running:
well panda, since i guess u have access to the forum, post there what and how much u can do it and we give u suggestions.
especially due to new expirience i gathered yesterday we need to do a lot of tests for clear reference.
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."