The world again...
Man such things hapened before porn was invented.
It is terrible, but porn is not the reason. Sick people are everywhere, they were raised by sick people, as they were too. Its been like that since ever.
I agree, Porn freaks end up always commiting self pollution instead of killing/ raping, i 'd dare to blame more the hard drugs influences and lack of human feelings in this extra terrestrial criminal beings
Man.. People like that have no place in this world..
it's hard not to be moved by this, and in human acts like this almost seem common place, but when you read about it you suddenly realise you have a heart and it begins to hurt as you ponder on those around you who love and care for you..maybe bringing these things forward helps to remind us that there are those close by who do care and those who care will be cared for.....
smile at someone today may suprised, they just might smile back and if they do you'll smile again.
be happy you all and be well.
Fairy sends a smile to you
smile at someone today may suprised, they just might smile back and if they do you'll smile again.
when i studied body language this is a main factor, first signals you give someone can last a long long time, without either of you knowing it, like if your shaking hands with someone you admire, touching their elbow with the other hand for just 2-3 seconds makes a long long impression, and as long as you dont make them uncomfortable makes them feel connected to you in a way.
off topic but im bored
Such a depressing post i dunno what to say, coz its all been said already...
but i hope justice is done and the fuckers die (ingame)
I hope those fuckers die out of game too
that's some sick shit.