times dm17 only, e.g. elite'z
What is a good time to make 200 frags on dm17 railonly? (elite'z).
Lately i play often (2-4 times a day) on the dm17 only server from elitez.
The first time i was there i needed 12 min, than 10 min, and lately i am able to do it in arround 8 min (not always )
But i can't imagine, that this is already the optimum for a non-cheater.
Ofc it depends how full this server is, and which opponents you have, but nevertheless, what would u say is a good time?
(prob. a stupid question, but actually i just started to play rail-only more often)
Times ? I dunno but I find it easier when server is full of noobs. Best I've had is been around the 7 min mark.
the only time i played there i made 9,51. guess if i played more - i would improve it. think its possible to do it within 5 mins
5:48 sec my record
usual 6:50 - 7:30
train harder !
its possible, intuitive rail and reflex give u great time and score
if you play with bots its so easy, they jump when spawn. btw. my time is around <8min? if there's a strong opponent >10min?
i'm not playing much on pub servers
my record was in 8 minuts with no full server and very low sensitivity....
later i've changed sens to a bit more high and it took me 9 minuts....and then i stoped playing there
cos experimented lags ( but since yesterday i have all ok so now again start to train there
) imo good server to train rail when is not so full
5.26 against noobs, around 4min against stupidbotz
depends on railcycle
Ask ultima what time he have with rail acc 56-58%. I looked as he play, it was amazing! :O
Also zap very good in this
the funny thing is, when there are 20 players u actually cant miss.