To Gamestyle whinners
You don't like a gamestyle and want all to play like urs, u can do something : stick to what a cfg propose as features.
you don't want to play :
vs players moving in the air : play a cfg that doesn't propose movements weapons and/or multijumps
vs players spawkilling : play a cfg having big spawnprotection
vs players camping : play a cfg having a huge camper alert
with teamshoters : choose the teamkill system you want
plus-like configs propose things, accept them to play or don't.
If you wanna play something else do it, create a cfg or ask ppl to help you.
wasn't there ppl sayin 'dont, u will divide the small community'
but then, i dont think theres enough ppl with same demand. the theory would make sense, but i dont see it happening. not sayin no point trying etc.
eg one person like one style of gameplay, they make server for it, and no one joins, so they go back to the popular place they usualy play on, and they put up with it.
i read what mow says about makin popular server, and u should invite ppl to it, in this case, those who share similar taste.
though i guess this topic is a point to say this is posible, u can go make it happen and shut up, or stick with what u have and quit whinning
example, the e5 players who play on e5r(modified with insta rail) server and insult and whine at those who use the weapon 'rail' and call it spam. yet it is not their decision to say what is and what isn't. it is how the server is set, like it or not there is no rule against it. might aswell go to e5 server and start flamming those who use mg. but lets not start the 'one weapons better than another' flame topic here!
seriously, I think ali is just actually someone faking and trolling us so hard because this has gone beyond retardness, can't be fucking possible what I am reading :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Dude..I really thought I've hit my laughing limit for today..but omg..
Let's say they'll follow the advice. Since there are like 5 ppl left overall it brings us to 5 servers with max 1 guy on each..brilliant man
Madbringer, is it you? oO
nah, i think its ok to say play what u want, but dont play something u dont like and bitch about it. thats retarded
i hope you all understand that this thread is in the "Developing Hall" Thread and this context should not be missed by all the repliers
I think that camping, spaming or map-roaming are game strategies and what Ali is saying is : if you dont like it, build your own cfg limiting whatever you dont like and stop whining!
GL everyone!
Ali Duuuuuuude
U cant be fucking Serious now r u?
I cant actually belive what im reading here Ali come on dude STEP IT UPP!
Gett layed, smoke some weed, or what ever! Realase some steam mate
I guess this is a hasty response to ur 'do u like me?' thread. Don't ask questions u can't handle the answers to... unless ofc someone put a gun to ur head & said u must ask e+ what they think of ali.
Anyway, just because some ppl don't appreciate ur gamestyle doesn't mean anything changes or that cfgs need to change.
it's to avoid ppl saying to players :
this one camps
this one moves a lot
this one use a certain weapon
if there is an issue go talk about the config itself or with the server admin to change things you don't like.
players use what a server proposes, all should agree with the server rules to not get kicked.
Only thing some1 could, may and should say is "that player is a cheater" after providing a proof and say server admins about bad behavours.
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
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