Top whiners

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tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden

Top whiners now playing (or recently played) in no particular order:

Zydek (ping, luck and cheater whine - tries to unnerve people with his whine)
FPS (fuck you, etc fairly standard whine)
Drina (I will feed your balls to my teammate, ragequits, plays the shock angle)
Red Bull (Perennial luck whiner, everything is down to luck, personal skill doesn't exist. Obsessed with his connection and has payed tons of cash to "have it fixed")
Doomcore (Cheatwhine, everyone who is remotely good is a cheater)

Top all time:

Panther (constant whine every single game he played)
Red Bull (see above)
Zoomer (spec whine)

Add your own candidates! Note: this list only applies to whine in game. Whiners need not apply.

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Top whiners

Oh, even two topics indirectly point my person.
Today Im even a bit more popular then Skull or Killer.

Mircwar, seems you too long to amass a shit and want to throw it out.
Sounds democratic!

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

No idea what you just wrote, but let's toast to it.

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Top whiners

I saw you never doing flametopics or insulting people like at the other "beer freezer" topic.

I guess its just a bad day, hope you ll be ok Happy

Anyhow, I just advice you to pull out ur agreesion by other methods, because all insults will be deleted and topic will be cleaned, evenmore you will recieve a forum warning, you know the administration.

Maybe, try this)

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

Let's talk about agression and what is deemed O.K. and what is not.

It is (of course) entirely in order for Drina to tell a girl "Silence men are talking", it is equally O.K. for Zydek to call people cheaters. You are in your right to tell me to "fuck myself", and so on in countless variations.

But of course, for any of you to actually own up to what you say - or (heaven forbid) actually take the consequnces of it is unthinkable. After all it's just a game, right?

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Top whiners

2 mine mates - nice list! you can add on this list Zack, too! Tongue

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

I'll add you as the idiot who shoud've been banned, how about that?

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Top whiners

Well, with regard to my case. I very rarely try to really humiliate players in the game, simply because I know its silly. No care.

Usually when I get nervous, Im writing all garbage in my own language, only because I know the other players cant know and understand what is it. Im not saying this into TS and this does not force my players to panic, but also I dont hold it inside me.

But, anyhow, I say what I think, if I want to insult - I try to. If Im counting someone as a douchebag Im telling it. Not like you, you had all the shit too much time inside you and one day you started to pull this out.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

Are you sure about that? I've always said what I think of people, that said I don't have the obsessive need to let them know while we play. But if I have a problem I say so, preferably in some other setting.

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Top whiners

Milena, could I be a Drina for a minute? If yes I say - silence girl, mens are talking.

Mircwar, of course I do, you never acted like this, at least last two years, otherwise you would be baned/warned 3 times already. Now its obviosly you are very angry on something and just want a punishment, thats why you started to provocate other people)

Sake's picture
Joined: Nov 2007
Re: Top whiners

oh mircwar, why you are doing this ?
I'm too drunk to comment this but like i said in priv messages, you are too sensitive.
calm down and try to have a greater distance to yourself and other people.
i love mr and I have big respect for them for achievements, and relationships to other clans,
exceptionally for thc, i think we have never misunderstandings.
but what are you doing now?? what for?? I don't want to provoke anybody but only you have some strange problems.
i will drink for your health now and i hope that your good mood will return quickly Happy

A teraz kochane dzieci pocalujcie misia w dupe Happy

DRINA wrote:

NOBODY can be blamed for leaving Darkshit and Blackshit, not even this twat trickz.