TR vs PL NC2K11
guys are you able to play tonight ? Saturday 19 November night ? if you are ok i will ask my friends too
Haha tiesto lol
Saturday doesn't work for us. Sunday seems perfect tho.
Today is the deadline, I presumed that sunday would suit you since there was no messages whatsoever till the day before. I cannot guarantee that I will have squad for monday.
Try to ask the organisers, and then I will come back with a report whether I will have squad or not.
Since there was no answer from your side, we will be waiting for you at 21:00 (in 2h 20min). I will post all the necessary server details directly before the match starts.
We'll be waiting there:
pass : rsqt
(sorry RSQT for borrowing it without earlier notice, we will leave if necessary)
Have someone of you asked managers for longer deadline? I think, you didnt.
Also, here, I see no agrement about the date and time, only propositions confirmed hours ago.
If one week isnt enough for you to agree on one date, Ill do it for you. Play tomorow at Tuesday, Poland were availiable today for 2 hours, so they have right to pick a time that feets them.
and sunday doesnt work for us either
so monday ?