What do you think is the best training to get really good?
Really depends on the person. Some are visual learners and others are hands on. I've seen players that can watch moves and join in the game and do them perfectly. But players like myself, have to spend hours practicing moves to perfect them. Speed is huge in CTF. If your faster than your opponent, your chances are better at winning.
I found going into a server, locking it down and putting on a few nightmare bots can be useful to help your aim. If you play offense, trying to get past 4-5 nightmare bots to get the flag is a challenge in itself. Really all depends on you. I find that the best thing for me is to play against players better than myself. Playing against noobs on a regular basis will only hurt you in the long run.
why lock down a server when you can start a dedicated server on your computer in the first place? the best practice IMHO is playing as many games as possible with ALL kinds of players. both "leet" and "noobs". i put them in "" cos IMO again there is no noobs and no leet cos in a day someone who is leet can have a bad aim day + a bad mood day + a bad ping day so that would put him back a lot anyways back to my point. i think if you play all the time as much as possible against all kinds of players is the best approach because each player who played a bit in e+ has his own strategy of moving and fragging, thus you learn how to combat other people's techniques so becoming good at general fragging
Well i can tell you what i did to get where i am... All day long 1v1 on r0 servers Not much else. And now i started to play other gamestyles (TDM and freeze mostly) to get my team work up. Imo its best to play with really good players, and spec them a lot, and then tra that out on noobs. And then back to good players, and then back to noobs. Dont force playing with nobbs cause you wont improve (you will have no need to) or only with good, cause you wont have time to practice (you will get killed too often). In the end best practice is with people of your skill level. If you are doing well, people who are on your skill level will change (ie youll get better).
@Weebl: To me the definition of a elite player is a person who can play good in every occasion,every time of day,no matter what mood,and on laggy server with bad ping...thats all IMHO u guys dont have to agree
i dont really train. when i started i was specing other good players what are they doing while playing. like which are the standard moves on the maps, which are good combinations of weapon etc. sometimes i change size of screen too train my sight. so with that training i have got that far, with looking at other players how they play. besides i dont play only e+, i play ut 98 and 2k4, sometimes cs, painkiller, call of duty and thats all for now...
ok ty, im trying to get better than this fag who laughed at me when i lost
You can use that as a motivational factor in your improvement towards your ability in this game but if someone laughs at you because they beat you at a video game, does that really warrant such a demand in your life to beat him? What happens then, if and when you beat him?
If you want to improve, that's fine and I applaud you for that but do it for yourself and not with the intention of proving someone wrong or that you can beat them.
As I said, use that as motivation but not as the sole reason for wanting to improve your game.
ok ty, im trying to get better than this guy who laughed at me when i lost