Tripleclick (Omron) and broken Mousecable fix.
Omron and broken Mousecable fix.
First of all, all stuff stated here has been already written on the web, its just my own way of description for us nubs here. +}
You can be sure you have a broken cable if your mouse turns off and on while you sametime hear plugin plugout usb sound.
You can be sure your Omron doesn't work properly if your mouse doubleclicks to often.
Mouses shown here: Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 / 1.1a
Open the Mouse (3. :
This mouse has its screws all under the mouse gliders, for removing them take a thin piece of metal (kinda like anything), as long as it isn't sharp (would
cut it and therefor break).
Just get under the feet and then kinda pull it off in the direction thats easiest, the glue will survive this for like 4-5 fixes.
Opened it should look like this (oh right, already fixed cable once)
Cable Fix (IE 3.0, but its same for every usb cable) :
Now first of all, my camera run out of batteries while doing this might add better screens if I do it another time.
You have the opened mouse in front of ya, being plugged in. First try to get an idea about where the broken part of the cable is (if you don't wanna exchange
whole cable), just hold the cable in one position with the one hand and move the rest of the cable with the other and you know in which part it is, for the
3.0 this is the L part where the cable exits, I cut blindely meanwhile because honestly the 3.0 always has the problem there. Other possible location is
whereever any force i on the cable, might it be the cable holder or the end of your desk where the cable falls off (larrys was broken there).
Now first thing to do is cut the cable off, ofc you can instead open it and just search which of the 4 data (the 4 colored one) + 1 power (the cables around
the 4 coloured without Isolation) cable is broken, but that takes time and you need experience with Isolated cables to do so. You should cut the L part off
and have 2 cm distance to the broken part). So just cut the isolation of the cable on both ends for like 3-4 cm (the cable is 1mm thick mostly, make sure to
just cut the top of it). You should see one bunch of metalcables and 4 with isolation. Once you are at this point, sort the cables on both ends like a star
"*". deisolate all 4 by like, 1-2 cm or more (you can do it with anything made for deisolating, I use my teeth and a bit of training, if you try it first
time, do it with the cutted off part). Now connect the shortest ones together by twisting them and if you want to do it properly you can also solder them (to
make sure they have enough contact, it also works with twisting). Now isolate them by either doing it properly or just use any kind of tape, wrap it around
once or twice, make sure every part of metalcable is isolated. Solder the next one and tape it on the already taped one, that way it has least amount of
space which makes putting everything back easier. Continue till the all 5 cables are fixed and it looks like on the screen up. Plug it in to test, one
working mouse.
Omron Fix (IE 1.1a, but its same for every omron button) :
On the left side you see an opened omron button, the small piece of copper in it and on the right the case of the whole button.
For opening the case of the button just take anything sharp and pull between button and case, it will pop free without taking to much force, if you need more
force then just your finger you are right on the way to brake it. x)
In my case I would have to pull up as seen on the picture.
Once Opened, you will see the small copper piece that alters its form and therefor function with the time, you can try to bend it into the right form while
its still attached, however thats pretty hard. To take it off you just pull some force at one of both parts which keep it in place. (see drawing) I prefer
simply pulling from one side.
Now you should have the small copper piece in hand, be carefull its extremly fragile and if you watched closely you realise I already got myself one broken
on the testmouse.
Now what you wanna do is to flatten the curve you see, make it to flat and it wont fit into place or wont work, make it to curvy will just cause more
tripleclicking (if you really wanna make burstfire manually, there you go haha).
See pictures for details.
Putting it back in is like, the most stupid work ever, be very careful this time not just because you can break it, but because most fail attempts will cause
it to fly away and land anywhere where you might not find it.
The best way to put it back in is imo kinda the same like getting it out. Put it into the right place and hold it there with your finger while pulling a
moderate amount of force on it so it gets into the position it belongs to.
Once it is in the right place you can put the case of the button back on. Best way I found is simply to pull the mouse 180 so the button is looking to the
ground and stick the case (with the white piece in it) back on.
If you did everything right you can now test the button by clicking the white thing, if it clicks like the right mousebutton you did everything right, before
putting the mouse back together plug it in and test for doubleclicks to check.
More illustrations following tomorrow.
nice but hope my da wont be damaged soon
Man, I can't believe you sacrificed so much time for that... Good job anyway!

Man, I can't believe you sacrificed so much time for that... Good job anyway!
This is Skull ... Hes always explain everything like this ... Thats why I have respect for Him . Good Job Man .
gj m8
Thx for this Sql. Will try it soon on my old mouse.
my mx518 cable is broken that's why i ordered ime 3.0 yesterday
and i dont have to read this tutorial
atleast for some time xd
how do i find out where my cable is broken?

how do i find out where my cable is broken?
simple, by moving the cable at one place while holding it still at another.
If it turns off and on thats the part where its broken.
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."