u cant speak english - u have a problem :)
i must reply i was doing the muting not bozo! was trying to play and spammed chatting (not in team as u claim) look the start date of this post rules were already in place! we tell all that dont comply to the rules to use team or tell fact. alot the time it is pmd to them and more times then not is ignored! so yes they r warned and no more listen a nessicary kick>
so dont think its aimed at u 2 love birds xD its aimed at all!
the ban im sure was for ur behavior nothing else!
Maybe u mute before but then smb continued muting when we stopped public, and the fact is that we stopped talking public and started teamchat in spect how u wished some1 continued muting and when i tried to know why i got only ban, good answer, ye. I say not only about us 2, but about others too, player with non-english nickname kicked wasn't me, it was another one, and at same time even ur clanmates speak any language they want without mute, seems u really use this "rule" against only certain players...
Would be nice if all follow ur rules and allowed to speak only native language of server runner, no english on polish and russian servers, fuck yeah!
if you do that, you'll keep only players of your nation => no ppl from outside. Can be done simpler: just ban all the ips out of your country. Be like China! (visit The Great Firewall of China)
wrong epsi, this rule is so simple and still people fail to keep it.
Where you guys learned trolling? I guess you didn't even learn it.
Got a problem with someone? don't give him a reason to Attack.
L2fucking troll!
Да правило существует, но ...
из-за спам поляки создают,
есть еще один, но... они продолжают дать мюты неправильным людям, люди, которые серьезно создает спама остаются безнаказанными
one I can put straight, this rule is written somewhere and should stay as mandatory.
what's this bad up, wtf? 1000 words to saying nothing. burn in hell! i'm ok with this rule and beer do the same..
if you do that, you'll keep only players of your nation => no ppl from outside. Can be done simpler: just ban all the ips out of your country. Be like China! (visit The Great Firewall of China)
Excuse me Epsi, but I must have somehow missed the announcement that everyone now is free to write here in whatever language he wants.
Okay let's put fun aside. We got those rules and we don't have to justify anything to anyone since we're the people who pay for the servers and who keep them running. The majority of players have no problem with the rules and respect them. You are site moderator here, you should really know it better since you have to deal with similar things every day.
Well, this time u banned me coz i posted here and told people trueth that u ban for fun, but this time u gave me as i understood permanent ban for post on english, ok, what next? ban all non-english/non-era's players and all who posted on e+ forum? LMAO fascists
Era - racism serv
Elitez arent racist, I on the other hand am.
they, ban people that annoy them, not because anything else.
as Thor stated to me, gabber insulted bozo.
so what, you're gonna ban all the people who insult you? or is it really because what gabber says is truth?
edit: also if it was for language only, people wouldnt bother, well except in this case, why? dont know.
and Like I said to Thor, on server, this all starterd with language and kicking. so dont make angels of yourselves