Warsow Excessiveplus ?
31. May 2006 - 20:56
Warsow Excessiveplus ?
I watched the movie. The weapons are lame but that's not really the issue. I find the physics a bit to extreme Anyways, good try but i wasn't much impressed, the physics are unreal to an extreme level.
2. June 2006 - 22:54
Warsow Excessiveplus ?
Well, it's certainly... different. Not good, or bad, just different, i'm sure i will be playing this every once in a while. But how do you see this mixed with E+? Just the game added to the official bundle, or E+ weapons/weapon jumps etc? The second option would be kinda freakish.
Uhm the movie you have seen is the very 1ste warsow version the new one is slightly differend i told you before try playing it before whinening !