[WASP] New Website
Hi Easy,
Can you plz put this instead of [WASP] Clubb on Clan DB?
Also I was wondering if the banner is ok with you, I liked it and it promotes Excessive Plus more, tell me if you want it down.
Also I need the E+ Spider in PHP too put into site, you said ages ago and now I have finished in php....
Banner is fine with me.
For the spider, I already told you that you are welcome to access our database in the csv format at:
Example PHP script:
[code:1]/* Example: Spider Database
* @date 14.04.2004
* @author easy, excessiveplus.net
$url = "http://www.excessiveplus.net/getservers.php";
if ( $fp = fopen($url, "r") ) {
fgets($fp, 1024);
while ( $csv = fgetcsv($fp, 1024) ) {
list($addr, $tld, $country, $name, $player, $map, $gametype, $version, $xp) = $csv;
printf("%02d. <img src=\"http://www.excessiveplus.net/images/flags/%s.gif\"> %s, %s, %s<br>\n",
++$i, strtolower($tld), $name, $player, $map);
IP and map is included in the CSV output. Be creative it is just an example, you can widen it by simply modifying the "printf" part.
If you want it to be original, link to it.
[code:1] printf("%02d. <img src=\"http://www.excessiveplus.net/images/flags/%s.gif\"> <a href=\"http://www.excessiveplus.net/?query&%s\">%s</a>, %s player(, %s, %s<br>\n",
++$i, strtolower($tld), $addr, $name, $player, $gametype, $map);[/code:1]
Something like that?
Hi Everyone, I forgot too say:....
Everyone can join [WASP] Website.... Just remember too sign up for an account
Also, If you DO NOT Get an email Verification everyone who wants to join who is not [WASP], within 24 hours, please email me. But first try just logging in with the username and password you had...
So you sign up for an Account
you type in Username: Password: Email:
Minimum requirements. So after you have done that, you should get an email verification within 24 hours, if you do not, email me and then try logging in with username and password that you put. If it works, tell me by email too!
(I want you to do this because I am still testing it
It took me a while to build, has similar forums too this site...
ExcessivePlus Administrator