WASP2 wins FW with NWC - 9 March 2008
As part of our 2 Match challenge, WASP2 challenges NWC to another FW.
# Date: Sunday, 9 March
# Official Time: 8:30 PM (20:30) US Eastern Standard Time (New York time)
# For players from South America: The match STARTS at 10:30 PM (22:30) Santiago, Chile time
It is IMPORTANT that all WASP2 members be at the server 30 minutes prior to the match. Please be professional and come early.
Wasp2 members who will not be able to attend please post here or send me a PM.
If you do not live in this time zone please click the following link to see the time difference between where you live and New York:
# Server: NWC Coliseum
# IP and Port:
# Matchtype: Fun War (5 maps)
# Gametype: MIXED
# Players: 4 vs 4 - 7 vs 7
# Timelimit: 15 minutes (CTF and Freeze Tag) and 20 minutes (TDM)
# Config: NWC+ (CTF maps), Plus (Freeze Tag maps) and DeeX (TDM map)
#Note: This is NOT a best 3 of 5 match. We will play 5 maps even if one Clan wins all. This is a mixed gametype FW and like the last match is NOT for rank. Also, both CTF maps will be played WITHOUT Multi-Jump enabled.
# Map order, Gametypes, and Fraglimits:
1. CTF3 (NWC) - CTF - 1st Team to reach 8 Flags
2. DM11 (WASP2) - Freeze Tag - 1st Team to reach 15 Points
3. STCHCTF9A (NWC) - CTF - 1st Team to reach 8 Flags
4. OverKill (WASP2) - Freeze Tag - 1st Team to reach 15 Points
5. 6++ (NWC/WASP2) - TDM - 1st Team to reach 200 Frags
# Friendly Fire: ON
Please note that Friendly Fire will be turned on in this match EXCEPT for the CTF Maps.
# Punkbuster: OFF
# Pure Server: OFF
# Camp Protection: ON
NOTE: NWC and WASP2 members MUST use their respective Clan Tags.
NWC will supply a non-member referee whose decision will be the LAW.
Each team can also invite 2 observers to monitor the match and record demos.
No OTHER players will be allowed on the Server during the Match.
Let's have a clean and fun match - Good Luck to all.

# Punkbuster: OFF

# Punkbuster: OFF
woky boyfriend \:D/
The details are still to be set, for me pb off and pure off is ok on FW, maps can be changed for this FW and maybe something else I'll sned you an email or msn messgae so if you guys want to change any of the freeze maps even for a custom one go ahead.
Those 2 for CTF mapel4b and stchctf9 both big maps to accommodate up to 7 even 8 players, if you have any changes to be made go ahead .
By the way this time we want NWC+ to run unmodified and FF on only on Freeze and TDM since on CTF you respawn on your own base so there is no spawn killing, please let me know if you agree so i can make the rotation now and send it to you for your practices.
Ok then let's make it stchctf9 and q3ctf3, also we would like to keep the no mj on our config since mj are disadvantage for us and we don't request it to be removed for freeze which we don't play that way things are even for both, i hope you agree on this so let me know and i can make the rotation tonight.
It was off (as agreed to in the match details) in the last match and there were no complaints from either Clan or a stoppage by the referee (Dissonance).
While I agree that CWs should be played with PB enabled, it has been common over the years for Clans to play FWs without it. Nothing shocking about Clans playing a non-ranked match with integrity and sportsmanship.