weapons in left hand
20. December 2005 - 0:44
After playing couple years with cg_gun 0, I discovered that if I enable it I have much better "trick" movement (rocketjumping, etc,etc).
But there is one problem. Im left handed, but weapon is always in right hand, its quite annoying. I tried to edit it with cg_gunY 7, and it worked, but only for fist game after connecting the server. After loading next map weapon apears in right hand again.
Anyone has idea how to make that left hand a permament setting?
20. December 2005 - 0:47
weapons in left hand
bind a key to set gun to the left?
20. December 2005 - 0:49
weapons in left hand
put it that command in your config and make your config read only, than quake cant change it
20. December 2005 - 22:23
weapons in left hand
Bind it on all weapons. I have binded other crosshair on each weapons . And use cg_drawncrosshair 0
@Foksie - it's cheat protected - so I cant change it in game.
@Hellfire - I tried. - unfortunetly it still resets to right hand.
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