what cg_fov do you use?
I played for a month or longer with fovs:
110 for longer period of time
now 103
true the lower fov the easier to hit with rail but everyone has his own preferences
HMMMMM ...103? NEXT 102.5676432 !!!
cg_fov 120
Ask Flex lol,he uses for every weapon different sens,crosshair type and fov
Imagine playing like that :-k
between 90 and 96 at moment..before was 110
HMMMMM ...103? NEXT 102.5676432 !!!
mine sensitivity looks similar to "102.5676432" but is a bit longer so dont be laf
exactly 100 but i think ill switch to that "different fov for each wep". Any suggestions?
Ask Flex lol,he uses for every weapon different sens,crosshair type and fov
Imagine playing like that :-k
hanging sensitivity its bad to feel the game, but nesesery to give back this feel when u uses deferent fovs, and when u have disabled weapon change notifer, on e+ its not posible talking about osp, deferent croshairs help u to identify weapon when u playing with "cg_drawgun 0"