What do i think about it?
29. August 2005 - 9:15
What do i think about it?
same shit again
What the... ?
I'm just sure you guys will put the insta-rail into it man, did I say anything else? For once I'm not arguing and letting you do your thing, so please mate...
2. September 2005 - 6:59
What do i think about it?
2. September 2005 - 10:18
What do i think about it?
3. September 2005 - 23:15
What do i think about it?
sad but still good idea i think that there is a solution lets make 3 mods calle e5mod bromod and x-nature mod that will be fuckin cool if noobody can make a compromise .........
cause no way to make a common config, based on the ignorance of mainly e5 side! (not only, but mainly)
hf fun with x+, but splitted, bye guys and m8s