What Field of View(FOV) is best to use?
The title says it all. what FOV is best to use? 90,100,110,120 etc.i personally run with 120 but i wanna hear what you guys/chicks run with
im using 100 and its good for me
you play how u comfortable man
it depends on ur needs, try it, thread closed.
i think the origina post should been more complete like asking what fov/monitor size ( "" ) / resolution, that would be more precise coz for example someone who play on a 24" at 1920x1080 and use 120 fov would have same fov of someone who play on a 19" at 1280x1024 with 95-100, would be more interesting to know in the form i just suggested.
personally i use a samsung 24" 1920x1080 and the fov sometimes i change it, for some years i used 120, now i lowered around 100-100-115, even coz in this new release of e+ i see everything much smaller, so, unless i have to play with glasses, i lowered the fow.
anyway in ur question about "what fov is BEST", my opinion is that 1st of all there can't be 1 fov for everything, this is for maps and for gameplays, for example in 1vs1 i prefeer lower fov, in ffa i need more large fov for have a better look around me, same for maps, in dm17 there would be needed lower fov and in some others more opened n large maps a higher fov, but i think this is just persoan tastes, can't say BEST for, some times i don't lower my fov on dm17 n keep it to 120 and do good the same.
try to alter xp_modelscale diablo.
try to alter xp_modelscale diablo.
well, but if he will make bigger then its hard to hit.. i mean.. you even shot on enemy but hes not dead
yes bastek is right, 1st day when i downloaded 2.2b i tryed 0, 1 and 0.5 ( lol fun one ) , i prefeer more small but as it's explained it fix the model in the hitbox, smaller but more accurate, lol i tryed even 2 and remained shocked muahah
the /xp_modelscale "1" is like in v2.1 ; 0 its bit smaller but even nice to hit, also on /xp_modelscale "2" is too hard to hit.. even almost impossible
Put \xp_modelScale "0"
And the best depends of you and your monitor, your resolution.
You cant use fov 130 with r_mode 1 for example, all will be awful.
And if you are a guy too lazy you can use low fov like 90, or even 70.
I chose fov 110 for a 17" 1280x1024, fov 120 for a 22" 1600x1200, 130" for a 28" 1920x1200.
Now I use fov 130 for a 1920x1080 24". Dont forget that pb kicks above fov 130.
i totally agree. and another thing is to remember that fov and resolution chages ur feeling of sensitivity and accel, of u make lower fov ur mouse will feel faster coz reduced view, higher fov u would need to raise sens or accel coz u could feel ur mouse a bit slower, same works for resolution. it's all a mix, i think u should try try and try in game for find the best combination, it's like alchemy lol anyway i think 130 is a bit too much to suggest lol, better 110-120 on 24 full hd, 130 i would suggest to players with already very nice acc on far side, especially on dm17 or large open maps where instead of a bot u see a walkin dot ahah in general, apart res/fov/monitor size, i suggest to use something around 105-118, make a long research of the right one between those numbers, it will require time so don't be in hurry changing it every second, be patient. another suggest is as delight said, to use xp_modelscale 0, will be smaller to see but u can count on better precision n accuracy.