What happend with the player size ???
1. April 2004 - 17:43
To day, i wanted to run my own 1vs1 server.
But all players were very very small, like lilipucian people :roll:
Someone has the same trouble ?
I had never this before... what happend ??
[edit] Can someone gives to me the command to disable the Key CD PB check ? Some players were not able to join my server cuz PB kicked them for a wrong CD key.
1. April 2004 - 17:58
What happend with the player size ???
first - tiny mouselike players - 1st April joke
second - pbguiderealx 7 (as far as i remeber)
1. April 2004 - 18:09
What happend with the player size ???
pb_sv_guidrelax 7
I have to type this in console every time i start server, dont know where to put it for it to load every time
1. April 2004 - 19:22
What happend with the player size ???
nice joke LOL mine too are little
2. April 2004 - 14:07
What happend with the player size ???
just type pb_sv_writecfg to save changes in pb settings.
Ok thank U all for ur answers
@Bo : for the commande "pb_sv_guidrelax 7
", did u try to put in the q3config.cfg file in the excessiveplus directory ?
I will do that, normally it should be work.
Cu in-game.