What is the best mouse mat?
what happened to this mouse
what u mean? U think about these spots? Its normal
I use ordinary mousepad. Before that I have used about for 4 years a table And I still dont know why should I pay for super-puper mousepad if I'm not pro player and Quake III is not my life...
wrote:Nice, i have the steelseries (check my signature) and it cost 17 dollars.aint qck+ size 450x400?
true. i have QCK and it has a size of 320x270mm.
I have a Steelseries QcK Heavy 450x400mm, the best mouse pad of the world, and one of the biggest. It costs 11€.
damn you (joke)
i play over plain table no pad
I use ordinary mousepad. Before that I have used about for 4 years a table And I still dont know why should I pay for super-puper mousepad if I'm not pro player and Quake III is not my life...
Den it's our life, how can You talk like that to kids they will stop follow us, no chance to make a satanic sect... sad panda. Well, my friend also doesn't use mouse pad for 6years, but well, his stable is nicely flat surface, other rednecks like me must think about some gentle/rough and flat pad because i have best table in the world, that miracle even came from Korea, they make tables for the devils
Razer Vespula. 2 side. i play on side control.
Razer Vespula. 2 side. i play on side control.
nice, love these colors
but price is almost like the mouse
yes, thats the best.
where is photo of floor mat?!