what is wrong with new players | insta servers
hello e+ iam emo and i wanna cry at forum .
like few players know, iam xvibenedykt (and similary) and i play most time on 'only rail/insta' servers or at servers with PlusC/N conf. long time ago on e+ was many insta servers with quite good conf like is rail4ever. i talking now about aim+ and polamg servers. when that servers was online i never had problems with other players. now when they gone... i must play on some servers with crazycfgs with useless randomly values of knockback, splash or granades and bfgs for jumping and newbies xD. few weeks ago i was called many times cheater on hiszy server (from there they come to beer and start again calling me cheater) - now i dont play there... cuz of low skill level and noobs who everywhere see cheaters ;]. today i was 1st time playing more at banana clan server. cfg is created from feelings from hiszy server D: its next monstrum cfg with rail and granades+bfg for moving xD its so useless in only rail when we have railjumps... ok back to main thread. i play there from morning ;] we have weekend i dont have nothing special to do.... and at evening what i see on screen? for what? admin in firts dont know ... dunno D: after a while he give me msn to some idiot who insult me on other server and get ban there for few weeks ot month. " write to him and ask. he was ban you " so i know from start... i will got that ban for long time from he ;]
so dear admin, u give rcon or ref to all angry kids who kicks/ban other better players? kk. i write to that angry kid and ask why. he explain me: "you spam on server with ip of other server. that all thx and bb. ou and you call me idiot before." i explain him. its bindet ip. of server what doesnt exist its very old bind. just mistake of clicking keys he: 'offline'
now i will gave few nicks:
darkangel - leader of bananaclan who dont know what is going on in his own clan D:
wieja - idiot who still insult other players when he have 'power' on banana ;] he just wait for soemthin who will give him reason to ban soemone xD
chinszczyzna - friend of wieja who insult me with him.
piranha - guy from hiszy server who still see in my game cheats ;] even when skullhead tell him iam not cheater
and few others fakenickers from thats 2 servers.
i warning you all dont start to talking with them cuz you can have ban on some crazy servers xd or you will hear on every server you are cheating cuz teh will come after you everywhere .
that all situation is my faul, i dont have to play on crazy conf servers with noobs. but i need to play insta not all time plus but where? on germans servers? no thx. there i got many bans D: and many unbans D: there is more madnes than in sparta xd
question to you all: if you know me. u give me ban from discusion iwth me? i know many players and only with szpaku aka 123 had problem D: i think with no one else on e+ i love peace so why kids are so angry on me?
to all rail lovers dont play on that servers :Dwait to reactivate few servers with rail4ever config i will try to stand up few like (ffa tdm ctf ftag)
btw. main admin want to unban me after my converstaion wit him. but i don need to play with angry kids
He have ban because... (take a look point from 1 to 3 / polish and english)
Fajnie sie przyszedles pozalic. Bo do nas nadajesz na warriora z hiszy a tu na nas. OK! Bana dostales za ostrzezeniami...
Gdy po raz pierwszy wszedłeś na serwer zwyzywałeś mnie od chamów. OK! Prosiłem żebyś zachował spokój. W kółko szukałeś powodu do kłótni.
1. wyzywasz ludzi /rasizm
1. use bad words to people / racism
2. spam adresów innych serwerów
2. spam other servers
3. admina wyzywasz idiotów
3. said: admin is idiot
Kiedy z tobą rozmawiałem zamiast powiedzieć ok! sorry! nie będę! Nadal pojeżdzasz mnie od idiotów! Więc na co liczysz? Idź do WARRIORA na HISZY! No chyba że tam też masz bana!
Na serwerze chcemy mieć miłą i spokojną gre a nie wysłuchiwanie rasistowskich i obraźliwych tekstów.
i can not tell that somebody did not cheat by no evidence, neither i can say somebody did cheat by no evidence.
however, if u get bananed from a server and admin is not able to post demo, he rather shall unban u for his own reputation, if he doesnt, fine too, hes being the fag bananing innocent people.
as Wieja said the ban is because he was impolite towards admins, nobody baned him on "banana server" because of cheating to classify, because many is written in polish
btw Beny., u did insulted them actually couple of times by ur's post here
We banned this guy, because he disturbed all players, and insult admin and maked spam. Also cryed all time that he dont like server config. We didnt banned him of cheats. For me this problem is closed!
Best regards:
We didnt banned u of because of cheating. We banned u because u maked spam, and talked that u dont like this config and please change and cry all time please please change the config. So we said u if u dont want be here, u are free to go and dont back, so u enter again and still playing and insult admin and speak bad all time. Thats why we banned u. We dont like peopel who isnsult others in servers and make conflicts or cry because they dont like server. For me this problem is closed! And i dont will be to answer for more u crying.
This ban is forever! And stop crying! Be adult!
Best regards:
[...]that shitty monstrum conf and i just tell that. iam wrong? its good insta config? maybe terror who is responsible for rail ranking on e+ will say somethin about that cfg? or some player from rail clan from e+ calndb.[...]
matter of fact i love the conf
omg i read all your post Benedict:)Very funny.have question-how old are you kid? kid-because adult people dont say false thing your words-this cfg is monster. i ask you- why you play here if you dont like cfg.you say-i want to kick noobs.but this noobs very often killed you i think NOrmal people dont play on servers that they dont like. when you quit and again return.all read from you many bad abd dirty words.you should to apologise but...you dont do this.instead this you become to write here very bad words.and Nobody didnt call you cheater on our server
I hope people will understand that you are wrong and problem will be resolved)i say all that i wanted to saY)after this i willn't replay you
give quotes write in englsh man u have proof for that?
u r so funny when you try to be so proffesional kid