What is Your favorite type of Q3 game ?
I love freezetag. It's fun. Bfg space station is also fun but I hate to lose there. I don't like CTF - it's all about moving really fast and I just can't do it. FFA is fun but it's kind of boring in the long run.
voted freeze tag.. i find it very good
Never do.
CTF all the way :!)
Freeze reminds me way too much of CS - having spent 4 years long day for day several hours in spec mode will make you long for some real action ;!)
I love CTF, as it doesn't matter how good your aim is - but rather how good you know the map and its moves (at least if ur a carrier).
Overall moving skills are also very welcome ;o
TDM is also pretty cool, for its not as disorganized as FFA and you usually have some time to take ur breath... between one spawnkill and the next (^^).
As for 1v1 - never tried it - pretty much the same issue as with freeze, considering you have to wait till its ur turn.
But then again... for a bro.cfg carrier like me (being preoccupied with rocketeering from wall to wall) I simply can't concentrate on railing... and thus fail hard in freeze, tdm, ffa and 1v1 :!x (err... and don't forget the ping issue - loss: 5-15% all the time :!( )
I hope CTF will gain popularity with them upcoming CTF wars... that'll be the time when all em unknown ppl like myself will gain fame and reward ;!X