When is your birthday? v2.0
30. June 2006 - 8:18
When is your birthday? v2.0
22. august 1985 The same day as Spider
30. June 2006 - 8:23
When is your birthday? v2.0
30. June 2006 - 15:46
When is your birthday? v2.0
"Madbringer"IDRT's, HYPER's, LEMON'S, MR'S, EVOL'S, CLASS'S etc etc, post those dates!!
30. June 2006 - 19:52
When is your birthday? v2.0
i can help you with my hyper stealth mega robot ninja bunny pirate captain! ':>
3. July 2006 - 8:37
When is your birthday? v2.0
22th january 1975 :roll:
3. July 2006 - 8:40
When is your birthday? v2.0
19. sept 1986
I was meaning to do a major design change to the list, but it will take a few days still to do it, so all be patient, you will be added sooner or later. DON'T STOP SUBMITTING THE DATES!!!
And one request, please, if you know peoples birthdays dates, and they're not here, submit them too! There are tons of ppl who aren't here yet, and i'd want to make the info here as much accurate and complete as possible. So c'mon all you active forum DRT's, HYPER's, LEMON'S, MR'S, EVOL'S, CLASS'S etc etc, post those dates!!