where can i get plusc.cfg or beer freezer cfg??
hi i recently set a server up and had some guys test it they all say the same thing the server.cfg sux(plusN) and told me to ask mona about beer server.cfg or try to get plusc.cfg but i dunno where to get it, and i cant find mona
would appreciate if someone could attatch it here thx
what exactly they didn't liked?
u can find more configs here, including plusC
they say plusN is to slow and a killers config!!!
and ty fala
but u know u can actually adjust the config?
xp_SwitchRatio 0.7
xp_WeaponStyle 1/2/3 (1=CPM alike style, 2=e+1.02b alike style, 3=e+1.03 alike style)
xp_antySpamTime Tms (time that will be add to/subtracted from ammo regeneration)
xp_AntyCamp 0/1 (off/on anty camp system)
xp_SwitchRatio N (multipler for switchtimes, by that u can increase or decease the switchtimes)
xp_PublicServer 0/1 (off/on xp_machmode)
xp_physics 0-100 (changes air control)
xp_roundRestartMapItems 0/1 (off/on map items behavior after team scores/round end)
xp_roundRestartPlayerStatus 0/1 (off/on map items behavior after team scores/round end)
they say plusN is to slow and a killers config!!!
and ty fala