Which gametype is best?
i like TDM. i like the combination FFA with team style.
freeze of ctf :]
Voted for Ctf,
1v1 all the way.
nothing better than smelling the burning flesh of your defeated oponent.
mmmm pizza
1v1 if its dm2 (i play very rarely these days/weeks and i dont like to loose so i go dm2 ) .
and freeze
There is already a thread about that :roll:
TDM all the way. Basic killing, gotta love it. 1v1 and FFA is nice but yeah, it's nice to not only have enemies also sometimes.
Oh hey I'm from Sweden again! Wonder if this has something to do with me reinstalling windows, just as I became a brit doing the same thing...
There is already a thread about that :roll:
i like the paintball arena ctf xD
But freeze and tournament are good too.. voted for freeze!
Regards! Oxy