WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
9. September 2005 - 10:39
just wondering how make ruleZ in here ? :roll: :roll:
9. September 2005 - 11:12
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
E+ team
16. September 2005 - 17:28
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
16. September 2005 - 17:48
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
jup, funny that people never read stuff
16. September 2005 - 23:20
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
well, its a good idea in theory, but then if you see a cheater and you didnt get the chance to record, or couldnt record, then are you gonna keep quiet or are you going to post to the community warning or querying about this guy?
16. September 2005 - 23:43
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
yeah i do agree, making a demo saying you dont cheat is pretty pointless, proving you dont cheat when its been prooved is pointless,
17. September 2005 - 13:32
WHO mAkE rUleZ ??
nice rule
thnx its not z+ team i mean like who is e+ team ? :roll: