wtf?! doesnt your mouse say wtf?
A pidgeon just smashed head first in my window and scared the shit out of me... the poor thing is okay, but really, WTF?
wtf, that pigoen got scared of the hyper stealth robot ninja bunny pirate
wtf pigeon is doing in poland?
wzf he is training to become a hyper stealth mega robot ninja pigeon pirate captain
No he's not, he dosen't want to be blown to cinders by an tactical nuke. I think he was looking for bananas. He had wtf in his eyes
wtf, so he was training to become a hyper stealth mega wtf robot ninja pigeon pirate captain banana picker ??
wtf, iam going to get drunk in 30 minutes?!
So i got me this new logitech G15 keyboard and my epeen didnt get any biger... WTF?!!?!?
Just... wtf. End of story. No explanation required. WTF.