Wtf is this
28. January 2006 - 19:58
i had this problem all night yesterday, in almost every server i got into.can anyone shine some light on the matter?
28. January 2006 - 20:12
Wtf is this
i dont know what it really means but i would say u should reinstall the game maybe it seems to besomething in pak0.ppk3 or so i think just reinstall
P.s filakia :PPPPPP
28. January 2006 - 20:19
Wtf is this
you have autodownload and it seems you dloaded some extra files. q3 has a limit on how many polygons a model can have. you seem to have one model that exceeds that limit. check for extra files and/or unfinished downloads. and delete them.
29. January 2006 - 2:20
Wtf is this
NP hehe
29. January 2006 - 4:16
Wtf is this
:DEVA*eXtReMe: wrote:
NP hehe
29. January 2006 - 5:01
Wtf is this
:DEVA*eXtReMe: wrote:NP hehewhore
thanks guys