
8 replies [Last post]
Szili's picture
Joined: Jul 2007

sorry Nana,Bozo,Skull and others but i need to know this Big grin

so you say : when u want to give me 1time 7 apples it means i have 7 apples 1x7=7

so when u took from me 7 apples i will have -7 but u say dont worry cos when you will took from me -1time 7 apples = you will have the 7

because -1time = it is the time when u dont take from me the 7 apples? so u do a time travel ... o_0 cos it never happened cos it was before you take it from me? hmmm

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: -(-X)=?

my fav topic Big grin

silence is better than bullshit

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: -(-X)=?

use a calculator Tongue

Bozo's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: -(-X)=?

I don't really get what you are aiming at nor what your example has to do with what we said this morning. What we were talking about was the statement that - + - = + ("negative added to negative is positive"). This is just wrong. I think the guy who posted this mixed it up with: - * - = + ("negative multiplied with negative is positive").

An easy to understand example would be this: One day I take 5 apples from you so you got -5 apples. The next day I am taking another 10 apples from you. So your stock of apples would be: -5 apples and -10 apples is -15 apples. Happy

Abkani's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Re: -(-X)=?

-(-x)= x because you erase the clamp and if you have a - before it the - will change to + and + to - in the clamp. then you erased the clamp and you have it.

Aus der Nacht durch das Blut in das Licht

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: -(-X)=?

try looking at it like this if you write -1 +1 -1 = -1

try taking away or canceling out the neg/positives on the left side. so + cancel out - and - is left. then you are only left with one - so your answer is negative.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: -(-X)=?

What the hell is " -1time "? Have you developed an ability to physically perform a negative amount of actions without breaking the space-time continuum? Did you transform into a tear in the fabric of reality, some sort of bizarre beast that feasts on the ethereal void, and apples?

Take heed, kids. It's what happens when you cookie too many people and bfg slide down Xd plz lane.

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: -(-X)=?

2concrete examples found on the web:

tank levels rising/falling:
Example: The tank has 30,000 litres, and 1,000 litres are taken out every day. What was the level 3 days ago?
We know the tank has -1,000 every day, and we need to subtract that 3 times (to go back 3 days), so the change will be:
-3 × -1,000 = +3,000
The full calculation is:
30,000 + (-3 × -1,000) = 30,000 + 3,000 = 33,000
So 3 days ago there was 33,000 litres.


Debt is a good example of a negative number. One common form of debt is a mortgage in which you owe the bank money because the bank paid for your house. It is also common for an employer to deduct a mortgage payment from an employee's paycheck to help the employee keep on schedule with the payments.

Suppose $700 is being deducted each month to pay the mortgage. After six months, how much money has been taken out of the pay for the mortgage? We can figure out the answer by doing multiplication.

6 * -$700 = -$4,200

This is an illustration of a positive times a negative resulting in a negative.

Nowsuppose that, as a bonus, the employer decides to pay the mortgage for one year. The employer removes the mortgage deduction from the monthly paychecks. How much money is gained by the employee in our example? We can represent "removes" by a negative number and figure out the answer
by multiplying.

-12 * -$700 = $8,400

This is an illustration of a negative times a negative resulting in a positive.

And by math:
watch this calcul: A=(-4)x[(+2)+(-2)] -->A=0 (because -2+2=0)
But multiplication is also distributive over addition so A=(-4)x(+2)+(-4)x(-2) means A=(-8)+(-4)x(-2). We know A=0 so 0=(-8)+(-4)x(-2) consequently 8=(-4)x(-2)

and do not foget -(-x)= (-1)*(-x) we are just lazy to writte the 1 which has no consequence on the caclcul


Szili's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
Re: -(-X)=?

thank you