Years go up, still play games ?

15 replies [Last post]
Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic

i am 39 years old , in december 40

my ambitional life include play games

coinops mame retrofe , dosbox , retroarch 400-in-1 , attract mode , ppsspp

(i will stream to youtube, facebook, and twitch, with restream and nginx free accounts)

all for free to pay

quake 3 play at monday or sometimes for server spider membership there

i will play diablo 1 , diablo 2 lord of destruction , diablo 2 median xl , saves profiles

my eye pick paste to discord server in front connect join

there are games piggy , economy , and dank memer invite to good game

multiplayer in the middle of view others how you play your turn

free time escalation days or weeks , hours going , variability activity need

as marilyn manson sing , i dont low , what we see a am active high or how

but devil need my feet oh hyperactivity injury i have legs of zen, learn quake injury walk

fractal hit-l in dosbox my friend learn how to mephistoteles of los angeles police sirens

weekly use hit-l , meaby daily , image spirals is cure to be old , start be active young again

this all i see in play plans , brain go high with lying in bed then walk around the tea

i have 5 tea cup , liters england porcelains and castrol , then 3 x 3dcl eins zwei drei drink

walk dring bed , bed drink walk , walk walk dring , bed walk drink , wc toilet every hour

zen set duration is 40 mins , for sit , for walk , for play look , play can be longer

before wc need stop streaming , my secret is hit-l

and bet to football , two matches 3x3=9 x bet = 200$ fine feel buy for free

higher age old , i suggest traffic exchange , 10khits easyhits4u and others

easy to handle with mouse watch traffic , and iq run in money language, all members have old age

what is drink alcohol ? result , jiva dring tea , come to paper and start diary

book with lists , pen , ok flying rocket hit the paper , write man , write common man

today i fly in rocket in space

diary continue next days next bottles,

write at be at clear , share your paper line or grab list , write man

calculate planets , money bottles , buy food ,

very big help beacome from zen monastery clown rooms circus asyleum

next die

i suggest diary

Forum moderator
KaFa's picture
Joined: Aug 2011
TR Turkey
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

What's your problem? Do you need help for your traumatic life?

DraqLing LeCo's picture
Joined: Feb 2011
TR Turkey
Re: Yıllar geçiyor, hala oyun mu oynuyorsun?

I hope you are still fine

+ (̅_̅_̅_̅(̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅̅̅(̅_̅_̲̅м̲̅ a̲̅я̲̅l̲̲̅̅b̲̅o̲̅ r̲̅ o̲̅̅_̅_̅_̅()ڪ
- >

·٠•●●•٠·˙ p؛ ɯiʞis ıuɐuɐ ·٠•●●•٠·˙

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Yıllar geçiyor, hala oyun mu oynuyorsun?

my best trick to life is youtube video called HIT-32 from JIVA Tigerhareram ,

from his channel

watch that video for some hours makes me high for some days

after i got high from video i have new ability to play games again

i want play if i have power too

i dont like alcohol makes all death , who drunk die yung

my favorite games now are what can be publish on youtube

for example M.A.M.E.

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Yıllar geçiyor, hala oyun mu oynuyorsun?

Years go up, still play games

I want to play a game Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction (2000) era Quake 3 (1999)

Simply other good game i have that times. store my save files

game can be buy or download from file

on web

version 1.13c patch windowns exe

+ mod PlugY 14.03 addon software

essence of this game is hard difficulty on harder levels

beat level difficulty normal is possible

beat level difficulty nightmare is possible less

beat level difficulty hell is very hard

go trought all 3 is long cca 1 month gaming time or 2

trick is good items hard to find

game is not to finish for anybody

only true game inspector finish all 3 levels and find items to set

Diablo 2 have Ressurection after 20 years version gpu power consumption

so much more

come play version 1999 for some time compare save files

or screenshot finish game screen

what about multigaming clan ?

i suggest games 2000 era like Doom2 Hell on Earth

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

Ignoring the content of this thread, just going for the Title: Honestly, I haven't played Quake in over a decade, but I still play BF4, The Division 1 and 2, Destiny 2, and I've landed back in Counter-Strike since CS2 (last time before 1.16) Happy

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

try HIT-L , navigate to and there continue to dosbox tab , download , it is not necesseary to run it in dosbox , only watch image called HIT10.BMP in fullscreen , makes you high after 2 hours watching. Result more energy to play like young.

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

holy shit Jiva is still alive

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

Joined: May 2007
MX Mexico
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

holy shit Jiva is still alive

and still crazy, can't understand a word he says since day 1, I wonder what kind of drugs this guy takes lol

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

well from the get go I already though that he's been a concussed war vet or maybe a schizo

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Years go up, still play games ?

wot - mostly , lol - gone after last update, and sometimes gt-sport, mgs5..

The majority of people think they think, when really they just change their prejudices. Understanding is a matter of will in most cases.

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