.: You Are The Weakest Link FFA Cup :.
When? 2008.07.11 18:00 GMT (20:00 CET)
Where? Will find a server till then.
How? Apply here with forum username, real name, and MSN, also be able to join #yatwl_ffa on quakenet. IRC IS MANDATORY. I am closing my msn 2 hours before the tourney, so if you want to participate, you will be on irc.
Who? First # people that apply (# depends on the server we will have, probably 16, could be more)!
- All players and the moderator (me) play a ffa on the map picked for that round.
- Moderator is not considered a player, he is there to screw up the plans of players.
- After the end of the map, all players send a \tell to the moderator with the name of the player they want out of the tourney.
- The votes are noted, then each player publicaly reveals his vote.
- The player who collected the most votes is out of the tourney.
- Players who scored best on the FFA, get resistance to votes, meaning it takes more votes to kick them out.
- This continues till only 3 players remain.
- In this last round the winner of the FFA is the total winner of the cup.
Expected time? Depends on number of people participating, from 1 hour to 2 hours.
2 questions
1. Why are these events always on Friday? bleh:| can't u do on a day which is not in the weekend?
2. Why are u the moderator ?
no i dont join cause im not home then . .
lol this sound weird but im willing to give it a go!
I'm in (guess u dont need msn, since its irc anyways)
like the idea
Violently Calm
sign me up
I am closing my msn 2 hours before the tourney, so if you want to participate, you will be on irc.
iam in
i hope after that event we not start FLAME gl hf
Any questions?
I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!