Your dreams
Sounds like Pesta is someone you should get to know.
pesta throw the letter backwards and it be atsep wich means you meet her at september
Ahaha i dont have dreams either. Not naturally.
Only if i take 20 mg melatonin (Great for jetlag) (No its not a drug either)Like one time i dream a giant snake bite me on the throath, and i feelt the teeth and the blood flooding out of my throath.. neck.. well the vesel that goes straight up to the brain.. anyhow.. due the sleeppills i couldnt wake up bcos usally you wake up when these things happens. So the next thing that happens is that i dream i was dreaming aboute i was flying in my room damn it feelt so real Once i dream aboute mad too. O_o :oops:
ooh did i sound like a nutcase? i like nelly furtado.. well that would explains it :roll:
LOOL, what the fuck, dude. >_>'
Well, as far as my dreams go, i don't remember 95% of them after i wake up, from the ones i do remember i remember only small parts... i remember a whole dream very, very rarely.
I had lots of weird dreams, but the scariest must be the one in which i was stalked by a freakish old dude when riding a train, and then my soul was sucked in a ticket that smelled like rotten eggs by a ticket man that looked exactly like that old guy, and i could see my body from inside the ticket, which was just sitting and doing nothing (a recent dream, btw).
I had a bunch of pleasant dreams too... haha, i even dreamt once i was in the world of pokemon x) That was so fucking cool, i only wish i had that dream again sometime.
Like i said, i had lots of freakish dreams, but even the most scariest ones can't annoy me as much as the ones in which i'm dreaming i can't do some simple thing. Dunno if anyone else had this, but in some dreams i can't turn my face to the right, for example, or i can't get my body straight, or bend down. UGH. I'm always waking up damn pissed after such a dream.
i remember it was 3 years ago
I was in forest on picnic and when i was in car and i wanted to leave big bear started to follow me (it was strange cause i had 10 years hmmm) i was scared, the bear was bigger and bigger (it was sick:P) i started to shout i run away and suddenly i teleported to supermarket dunno how lol....
myhym dreams are sick
a friend i knew had a dream that involved buttsex, now we are no friends anymore.. :roll:
someone more that had dreams like that?? O_o!!
Well, I don't know my dreams XD I mabye get a dream but I don't know that the day after
DAMN, have never written a so long post
congratz, Laki