Your server "sux" era
its like i did told to silver surfer that bcz of non standard maps he lose many newby players and during the maps server is empty, i have adviced him to remove the maps from the rotation, he kicked me out of the server and get badly offended o0....
btw. hes really 67y old? lol sry but i had to ask since he claims to be so but his behaviors makes me wonder
Yes I am 67 years
old Animal and there is nothing wrong with my behavior when somebody that I
DONT KNOW comes on my server and starts laying down the law of how it should be
run and what maps to run would you not do the same kick them if it was your
server? As you say in the previous post something about attacking the person!! Well
that’s what I was getting from you and that is why you got kicked I am pretty
new to this server lark and I have had a LOT of help from ELITE'Z lads and
again I will say Thank you to Fubar, Klash,Thor,and Beki for all their time and
effort that they have put in helping me out sorting out and running my server perhaps
if you would help people a little more instead of moaning and criticizing you
might feel better in yourself.
Have a Nice Easter
Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer
are u completely sure everything is correct with yours logic? i have told u on the server that if u would stick to standard maps u would have more players and u did kicked me out of the server because i should not tell u how to manage the server?
aside if u don't know me, how u can say actually if i am not helpful person? damn, haven't i just tried to help u out and u got offended?
the word is really weird, and keep surprising me every day ehh...
and nope i would not kick player who's giving me advice's i would simply ban them because i know better
wrote:wrote:HF finding the problemWith such attitude, find your frickin problems yourself.
It is not really MY problem persé. However It was on ERA server and i just notified the problem as it can happen to more people who get kicked for no particular reason mentioned as already stated by thor
Also it was just a friendly reply towards bene, dont know who called the social police ?
jeniffer do not rememer correctly, but at some windows distro i had quake configuration savd in other location than installed version. so please check two variables what i post before here can be wrong like in previous topic or it will be the problem (commands fs_) /way drunked.
Simple you are chitter. Only clean players dont got problems with random bans.
happy eastern Noobb
jeffy nice cfg
Nothing wrong with my logic its MY server and yes I kicked you.
I dont know you NO, but I feel that if you wanted to help me and give me advice dont come on the server TELLING me pm me like most of the people that have helped have done.
OK thats good advice though next time I will BAN you !!!
Silver Surfer
Nothing wrong with my logic its MY server and yes I kicked you.
nothing wrong with stuff we thought about already back in 03 here. in 06 it was absolutely clear, a server is only populated by democratic decision. the moment you ban one player for cheating while he is not you are doomed. The moment you don't kick a cheater because you don't listen to people you are doomed. The moment the map you enforce via rcon drops half the players on the server you are doomed.
Why? Because everyone has the same thought, if someones server pisses him, make an own, like you did. What did you do before you made a server SilverSurfer? - Think about how awesome a server how you want it - is.
so fala telling him/advising him to do something he should trust him not knowing him?
It is not really MY problem persé. However It was on ERA server and i just notified the problem as it can happen to more people who get kicked for no particular reason mentioned as already stated by thor
Also it was just a friendly reply towards bene, dont know who called the social police ?