This guy is tr00 ;d
The World-famous Ed Norton fuck me? fuck you scene I talked about in 3 interviews (yes, in another one too):
For mortal kombat lovers, this vid is awesome
This guy is tr00 ;d
MUahahahahaha omfg, saw it just now ;D good1
Not all of it is funny (most is pretty primitive humour) but there are some hilarious moments ;d
rotfl @ DZIĘKUJĘ, JAK SIĘ MASZ ;ddddd
Hope you won't be offended by me posting this, Shady
nah man, i actually love borat, i got a borat poster in my room, it's simply humour and i like it (been 2 kazakhstan, its nothing like it)
p.s. when sacha baron cohen did Ali G, "saff east landoners" like me werent offended either, so i dont see how people should get offended by borat

nah man, i actually love borat, i got a borat poster in my room, it's simply humour and i like it (been 2 kazakhstan, its nothing like it)
p.s. when sacha baron cohen did Ali G, "saff east landoners" like me werent offended either, so i dont see how people should get offended by borat
Cool Tem, i was ready to take it down at your word.