
Happy Fathers Day

zup e+ here in mexico dunno around the world is Father's Day Happy I want to give you a huge congratz to all those quaker fathers around E+ Happy have a nice day and keep rocking Winking

E3 2013: best games

the witcher 3 (x one)

wolfenstein: the new order (ps4/x one)

metal gear solid V (ps4/x one)

dead rising 3 (x one)

deep down (ps4)

killzone shadow fall (ps4)

Zelda: a link between worlds (3ds)

RYSE: son of rome (x one)

X / xenoblade 2 (wii u)

bayonetta 2 (wii u)

E+ Fragmovie Trailer in HD

Hey People.

Here the Trailer over a incoming new Fragmovie from this Excessiveplus Community.

You have desire for something distinctive?

Send me more Demos to be in this Movie Tongue (every Config and Gametype allowed)

LinK Arrow



Clan Database CLEANUP

Hello community,
most of u have propably already noticed that Clan Database has been finally cleaned up and sorted.
We've added special TABS to make it easier to find Clans/Teams/National Teams playing:
and also added "STAFF" TAB which contains teams of public server admins, e+ mod admins, e+ referees, e+ mappers.

Cleanup and sorta

Fragmovie created by tr1cky

Used programs: Q3mme, Virtualdub, Sony vegas pro 12
Music used: The Prodigy - Omen

Movie consists of instagib gameplay mostly, however there are few clips from my old plus matches aswell. Nothing too fancy stuff with effects, neither recams. I also saved your time from boring, long intro. Tried to sync some shots with the music, yet there are parts where I got tired doing it. Movie is quite short, cause I cut clips alot and as I said, didn't want to create fancy intro for the movie.

Serverpromotion Movie in HD by ASPHYX

Serverpromotion Movie in HD

Quake 3 Arena ( Excessiveplus Mod Edition )


Server Rank Arrow #7

See you in the Arena !

Music: Feed Me - The Spell

Programms Arrow Q3MME , Virtual Dub , Sony Vegas Pro 11.0

Have Fun and Thanks for Watching!

Subscribe my Channel and give some comments!


My gaming n' working setup ;]

Zup e+ just recorded my setup Big grin with my new razer mamba, never done this before so hope u like it, this is my office and also my gaming setup where I play q3 e+ Big grin

Fragged by Asphyx ( Excessiveplus Mod Edition ) in HD

Quake 3 Arena ( Excessiveplus Mod Edition )

Fragged by Asphyx is made from the last 14 Days Demos on Elitez and Hiszy Public

Available in HD

Programms Arrow Q3MME , Virtual Dub , Sony Vegas Pro 11.0

Music Arrow SubVibe-This_Is_SubVibe

Have Fun and Thanks for Watching

Download Movie Link:
Download Music Link: [url=]

"IMPRESSIVE" FRAGMOVIE (Excessiveplus Edition)

Here is the Final Release from my Fragmovie " IMPRESSIVE"


Public Server Gameplay

Railonly+ Gauntlet Weapons

20 Random Demos!

thx for watching!

PS: i know editing can be better Tongue

My Final opinion about steelseries DiabloIII mouse (probably sensei)

been some time since I bought that mouse due to the feeling that I need a symetric mouse for gaming and indeed, it gave me a new feel to the game.
What it didn't give me is the simple Input I need from any gaming mouse, more about that later.

First on, no info I write here is validated, however you guys know that I am trying my best to get everything out of a mouse I own.

First trys month ago after informing myself about what is inside the mouse, I expect it to be a special version of the sensei with some fancy printing on it, sure why not: unboxed it, plugged it in, started the steelse

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