2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
19. April 2006 - 20:02
GGs BBS, thx for war. Especially the freeze part made me heartbeating
just one pls, plan ur stuff a bit better.
Korgath wrote:
@ mow Nope, I
don't think so, becouse
I can't get in there..
to Korgath: http://forums.excessiveplus.net/viewtopic.php?t=6401
reading is something very helpfull, it was arranged a war on pure server, and i told u all, where to test if u can play pure or not, so no excuse here
19. April 2006 - 20:08
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
OK , Well played anyway ( :scratch: Timelimit
19. April 2006 - 20:28
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
gg both
1st win for 2sweet ?
19. April 2006 - 21:33
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
hehe mow, my wife told u that we will win
19. April 2006 - 21:41
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
GGs both
19. April 2006 - 22:44
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
oh mom who im see in 2sweet
20. April 2006 - 5:54
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
nice taggame FireFox!
...pandora is a real boost for 2 sweet, good choice pandora and goodluck
20. April 2006 - 6:16
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
20. April 2006 - 16:03
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
GG All
20. April 2006 - 20:51
2!S vs BBS [2]:[0] 19/04/06
GG nice cw , nice choice pandora :D
before war i thought we will loose