Accurun CheatDiscussion
LAL , this should be a aktuelle ranking list ??? how many clans of this dont exist anymore , how many are inactive completly ?
cant be your serious ....
AXN dead
E+ ANK dead
BNT dead
wgvd nearly total inactive
wasp europe inactive
unity dead
fallen dead
dvsink dead
etc etc etc
natinal teams .... ah i dont start with .... most only active for national cup, now inactive like befor ...
That doesnt chnage a fact that they playerd ranked wars in 2009
Edit. And WGVD is very much alive :twisted:
if you look closely enough, yeah theres some really suspicious shit in there
same with alot of demos, if you watch with timescale and normals
And what about the demo that was provided few months ago?
You dont need any timescale etc to see wh and autoshot...would you explain this demo as lucky game?
F1 ..... damn if you do such things accurun make yourself at least the work to hide it , every nub without timescale and normals on , can see the cheating.
if i remember right, that demo was pretty old and the reason why accurun got banned from rank after all.
So as i was sayin..
A few proofs u should watch in that demo where i had 49 rail acc
cg_drawTimer 2
8:20 - proof that i dont have wallhack.Wallhackers usually base on corner shots, and they have no reactions at all..when they are in the open area, they die easily 100%. If i were wallhacker i'd be killed by the dude from my back.
11:33 - proof im not noob-moving player and i reacted good by moving 2 the right. As the flying bfg would hit me.
12:30 - proof that its ME aiming, not autoshot,as i wouldnt shoot in that small ground edge if i were autoshot
Hmmm. I also can do quite precise mouse throw from different points to different places(even without enemies). Will this prove im not a wh/aimbot/autoshot ?
wrote:if you look closely enough, yeah theres some really suspicious shit in there
same with alot of demos, if you watch with timescale and normalsAnd what about the demo that was provided few months ago?
You dont need any timescale etc to see wh and autoshot...would you explain this demo as lucky game?
You just noob magik, uF!
Are u dont know what mean 'luck'?
Because of 1(!!!!) lucky game u guys wanna ban him everywhere? O:
Maybe, we will ban laktos too then ? or someone else which style of playing looks like autoshot?
Fuck it .. its pointless
Oh and btw, remember what mona and Invictus said ? They unban me with 1 rule: if they caught me again on servers with suspicious shit, they ban me 4 real.
Hmm, did any1 catch me ? - Nope..
So why be such a marionete and ban me again because 1 idiot still thinks that he c@n s3e h4x ? .. Anyways, Invictus was damn right about all these.. "This leads to nowhere" ..smth like this
no dood, top players think u haxx. thats a major difference to just me thinking u haxx and admitting it on forum (which might count a lot for some people)
You said..
laktos mircwar riku (i think riku does)
-Wow i must admint the List of top-players-that-think-i-hax is wery big .. and you're not even sure if riku does..