Accurun CheatDiscussion

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Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006

Regarding accurun post by skull:
I've checked the demo with r_shownormals, and sadly I must say I agree with skull. Weird things all through the demo on ermap2. Small things like this for an example (right click+save as) that isnt std mousemovements + through walls, and if u keep looking it gets weirder.


rUnThEoN?! wrote:
under the topic: never trust a cheater!

Nick: Accurun
Server: A lot
Status: Rank banned
Time: since ages

  • Wallhack - seriusly, he looks on the ground instead of potential incoming enemys.
  • probably lock on smoothed out Aimbot (take a look at his aim, sometimes he locks on where good players would do prediction lock on - was to lazy to actually get right evidence for this one since he wallhacks anyways).

Suspections post with demos to be found here:

This thread was splitted from Cheater Discussion Thread, and not started by Laktos.


Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Accurun CheatDiscussion

good catch skull, i played the asshole on beer earlier today and if he doesn't cheat im a goddamned chinaman. constant bullshit shots and keeping up with 70eff topfraggers. He doesn't have that capacity.

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Accurun CheatDiscussion

2skull: I

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

was to lazy to actually get right evidence for this one since he wallhacks anyways

- So when u'll get right evidence, then u can write it down .. Otherwise this looks more like discussion and comments.

ps: .,l,. (o.Innocent

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Accurun CheatDiscussion

proof me that u dont wallhack first, then i can show u were ur aiming is bollocks too, like laktos already did.
i recived more demos meanwhile showing u obviously hack.

rather go slap ur custom hack programmer.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Accurun CheatDiscussion

You r definitly cheating. That we have no pb-proof doesnt mean anything in this case. U r using custom hacks, You cheat, basta.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Accurun CheatDiscussion

and now comes u cant get me anyways attitude

accurun wrote:
i aint got to prove nothin,nobady ever win against admins yet.
you aint got to ban me/spot me, im already..

go ahead admins Smug

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Accurun CheatDiscussion

You just cant agree that im nice.. Ofcourse its unreal and very suspicious if you dont know a player as a person when he plays ~as good as you. Easier to ban him, 2 acuse him its some sort of 'smoothed aimbot' .. than to say him 'gg' . Time to OPEN YOUR EYES people..
But its nice way to get rid of hard oponents anyways.. so u can always be the top (lozers) players


    smoothed aimbot - ffs do u even know what you're saying? mg accel - omfg
    r_shownormals 1 - i can easily capture to you screenshots of that type, of any player you want. PM me.


What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Accurun CheatDiscussion
accurun wrote:

    smoothed aimbot - ffs do u even know what you're saying?

yep, we do

accurun wrote:

r_shownormals 1 - i can easily capture to you screenshots of that type, of any player you want. PM me.

but u cant provide a demo of a player flicking to the right on a vertical line same as an enemy far behind a wall while doing a strafe LEFT.

there is no way out this time accurun, u can talk as much as u want.


hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
MD Moldova, Republic of
Accurun CheatDiscussion

yep we do - There is a big difference between cheater and a good player.. How hard cheater wont try, he cant move..
And yes, Maybe coders invented smooth shit bot,autoshot,wallhack,etc,etc..but they didnt invent smooth-move-bot .. as far as i know, Every cheater moves like a shit in the dripping-pan .. which you cant tell about me, i know all type of strafes, test me .. I have defrag/Noghost/cpma/teamArena/RocketArena knowledge, and the reason i stay in this dumb mod 3 years, its because it has unlagged technology, so fu

but you cant bla-bla - Wow, thought you going to say something nice here, but not .. Lemme ask you Einstein, after a looong strafe to the Left.. when my mouse is on left edge of mousepad.. what do a player needs to do ? Hmm.. Maybe put his mouse back in center of mousepad ? btw pro's are doing it constantly .. i can tell why .. but Enough of this stupidity, as i was saying.. nobody will ever win against such idiots(those who have banning instinkt only,and those who are silent like rats) .. Let me play funwars atleast..and give me a break.

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Accurun CheatDiscussion

u move like shit looking ur demo.

edit: ok i give u a small chance, first of, testing the basic:
gimme a defrag demo where u finish few strafelines with a double beat

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Aug 2008
Accurun CheatDiscussion

but the green box on those characters, is that where you should be shooting?
like i saw when the green box was in front of the player, because he was going quickly (like a rocket estimation hitbox?)
if so, cheating is just getting way out of control..