Beer admin,

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Creating Paradise's picture
Joined: Aug 2008

Hello, I'm calling for the genuine administrator of Beer
Freezer to take a look into paganini's abusive use of admin privileges. Muting
me for no reason and then banning me when I insulted him due to the liberal use
of his privileges seems to have been exactly what he needed: a
"reason" to ban me.

It's all fun and games and I don't mind being muted or kicked at times, but I
suggest that if there's still someone who can enforce proper conduct here to
act upon this at the soonest. Also, refrain from making childish remarks of any
kind unless they're on-topic.


Laptop: Sony Vaio 3D: VCPFX215FX/BI with 1TB SSD Samsung 850 Pro.
Mouse: Logitech G502 Proteus Core.
Pad: Logitech G240.
Keyboard: Logitech K800
Earphones: Westone ES5 Custom IEM with Emerald Green (Envy) Faceplate
Line out Dock: Whiplash Elite Micro TWag V2 Eclipse w\Oyaide plug
Amplifier: Pico Slim Silver
Music player: iPod Classic 7th Gen 160 GB black

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Beer admin,

Roflmao Paracock banananed xdd Sorry could not resist to post this xd

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

Nether's picture
Joined: May 2010
FR France
Re: Beer admin,

The genuine admin, as you call her is Kersy. You might wanna send her a pm explaining your situation instead of aiming this thread at Paga Winking

Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Beer admin,

Para wanted public involved in his problem, so it is in forum, so everybody can make an opinion Smug I would say that 'pseudo' admins are not performing well allways, by my experience sometimes they used to overact

Joined: Jan 2015
Re: Beer admin,

Just for the reference, my previous answer to your complaints was:
"Paradise, you are a cool guy and a good player to play with.

However, you are producing nothing but trashtalk during the game, some people even left because of the atmosphere you were creating. It's always ok to have some trashtalk, that's part of the game; but you do nothing else than that.

I asked you multiple times to stop the excessive trash talk, you kept continue. I force muted you for that reason for a few times for a short period of time, hoping that you get the message. You continued that trash talk in private and after unmute.

That's the reason for your temporary ban and I hope you can behave better in the future than an IQ0 ghetto dude."

I understand you mean your talk as a joke, but more than one person already found your talk as abusive and indicated that to you multiple times. I was really unhappy seeing old mates leaving due to the atmosphere you were creating.

To me, one simply does not behave like that in a place that is maintained and paid by someone else so you can have fun for free for years. Try doing the same thing at the doctor or similar premises.

I would like to remind you as well, that while you feel free to abuse anyone in the name of freedom, you are also the one starting threads crying for help, as soon someone is abusing you - rightfully or not.

Creating Paradise's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
Re: Beer admin,
paganini wrote:

Just for the reference, my previous answer to your complaints was:
"Paradise, you are a cool guy and a good player to play with.

However, you are producing nothing but trashtalk during the game, some people even left because of the atmosphere you were creating. It's always ok to have some trashtalk, that's part of the game; but you do nothing else than that.

I asked you multiple times to stop the excessive trash talk, you kept continue. I force muted you for that reason for a few times for a short period of time, hoping that you get the message. You continued that trash talk in private and after unmute.

That's the reason for your temporary ban and I hope you can behave better in the future than an IQ0 ghetto dude."

I understand you mean your talk as a joke, but more than one person already found your talk as abusive and indicated that to you multiple times. I was really unhappy seeing old mates leaving due to the atmosphere you were creating.

To me, one simply does not behave like that in a place that is maintained and paid by someone else so you can have fun for free for years. Try doing the same thing at the doctor or similar premises.

I would like to remind you as well, that while you feel free to abuse anyone in the name of freedom, you are also the one starting threads crying for help, as soon someone is abusing you - rightfully or not.

I cannot find my initial post that you've replied to since I rarely post here and I don't know how this forum works. I was talking to Kommander, (we were both poking fun of one another) so no one else was involved in our exchange of friendly jokes. I've not been warned during that specific game about my attitude and since no one claimed the "mute", I regarded it as a type of bullying, hence my harsh retaliation.

Laptop: Sony Vaio 3D: VCPFX215FX/BI with 1TB SSD Samsung 850 Pro.
Mouse: Logitech G502 Proteus Core.
Pad: Logitech G240.
Keyboard: Logitech K800
Earphones: Westone ES5 Custom IEM with Emerald Green (Envy) Faceplate
Line out Dock: Whiplash Elite Micro TWag V2 Eclipse w\Oyaide plug
Amplifier: Pico Slim Silver
Music player: iPod Classic 7th Gen 160 GB black

japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
GB United Kingdom
Re: Beer admin,

If you are having chat with only one player, then use /tell id. It will make things easier.

And even I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death I will be not afraid because I am the worst motherfucker in this place.

podle's picture
Joined: Apr 2012
Re: Beer admin,

Well I don't think, that ban for trash talk is the right solution.. Also if other players are disgust by his talks, they can easily /mute him , so I don't think anyone would leave server cuz of paras dirty words Happy. And other thing, there are few and few players and if you keep banning players for such stupidity like this, there will be nobody to play with...

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Beer admin,

I have no opinion, but wanted to post something.

Creating Paradise's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
Re: Beer admin,
3M'podle wrote:

Well I don't think, that ban for trash talk is the right solution.. Also if other players are disgust by his talks, they can easily /mute him , so I don't think anyone would leave server cuz of paras dirty words Happy. And other thing, there are few and few players and if you keep banning players for such stupidity like this, there will be nobody to play with...

Thank you very much for your support, Podle. I can't remember how many times I stressed the use of \mute function. If it's there, it's there for a reason! If it served no purpose, then it would've not been implemented in the first place.

Banning is now done based on admins' whim rather than actual serious abuse. It's also interesting to note that I was talking trash WITH Kommander, but only I got banned. So we were both committing the same "crime" and both doing it NOT for the first time, but only one person gets banned. I'm not saying Kommander should be banned or punished in any way.

What I'm upset about is preferential treatment. Kommander is an admin and probably has a better relationship with the rest of the admins. To sum it up, I get the stick because I was talking trash with a player that emulated the same behavior (it was all in the name of having a good time) and I get banned because the admin is too lazy or doesn't want to use the \mute function (without admin privileges). It's easy to realize that this was likely premeditated by the admin who wanted me off the server because he holds a personal grudge against me.

Honestly speaking, this case is laughable and it shows the infancy with which this community is led. I had a lot of disputes with large institutions, banks, payment processors, etc and I certainly have high expectations regarding the handling of disputes.

So far, I'm appalled by the childish manner in which this case is being handled. However, given the lack of a professional staff or of a competent individual that specifically addresses such issues, I'm reluctant to even call my problem a "case".

What I think is that this is the mockery of some dude who got really bored and wanted to abusively exercise his e+ authority without fully grasping the responsibility of his status and that his privileges were granted to him in the first place, not earned as a result of any type of impartiality or leadership skills whatsoever that he may be known to possess.

Laptop: Sony Vaio 3D: VCPFX215FX/BI with 1TB SSD Samsung 850 Pro.
Mouse: Logitech G502 Proteus Core.
Pad: Logitech G240.
Keyboard: Logitech K800
Earphones: Westone ES5 Custom IEM with Emerald Green (Envy) Faceplate
Line out Dock: Whiplash Elite Micro TWag V2 Eclipse w\Oyaide plug
Amplifier: Pico Slim Silver
Music player: iPod Classic 7th Gen 160 GB black

Joined: Mar 2010
Re: Beer admin,

When you say Kommander, are you talking about Kompressor? Because I don't think he is an admin of the server as you just stated, just pointing that out.