Beer admin,
/mute all and all problems solved

What would the freedomfighters here do, if a group of cheaters suddenly gang up and start arguing to allow cheats in the name of freedom? Oh, one rule that you like is ok, the other one you don't is not? So much about the big freedom, heh?
As for this forum's standards, I do not mind having lower standards on one place and higher on another, but the ones complaining about the higher ones, keep in mind that there is always lower. You could have the group of cheaters here too, arguing for their right to share cheat tips, because it is fun for them.
So give me a break, this is not about any freedom at all. Public does not mean you do not have to follow the rules of the place. If you think otherwise, try opening a cheat-tip section here, or pissing on the streets while shouting about your freedom claims and see what happens.
Most servers have a very minimal set of rules, based on respect, yet you act like it is so damn humuliating and restricting to your freedom.
Respect is about not hurting others, whether you intended or not. Therefore, apart from the other rules on the server, abusive, excessive behavior when hurting other people, will not be tolerated. Try to grasp the concept.
i think the severity of trashtalking and cheating is uncomparable. well no it is comparable, it's just that those two things are on very opposite ends on the "severity" scale. talking about cheating is totally fine imo and not even on that scale. but then again i think pissing on the street should be fine as well as long as you are cautious about where to piss and who can see you
i don't wanna criticize your decision too hard though, just think the penalty was a little harsh, thats about it. i'm a ref as well (but i gotta admit i never even used the ref function on beer^^) and i wouldn't even have considered a warning. guess its just a matter of interpretation.
Well i definitly agree on the fact (sorry mate) that Para is really annoying and boring with this kind of jokes... But useless to make a such drama...
When i play on the server and he's here and starting to be really boring with his crappy jokes i do just mute him...
End of the Story.

i don't wanna criticize your decision too hard though, just think the penalty was a little harsh, thats about it. i'm a ref as well (but i gotta admit i never even used the ref function on beer^^) and i wouldn't even have considered a warning. guess its just a matter of interpretation.
I don't want to start here a talk about who did what..or even to dig out an logs. It' s leading to nowhere just feeding the trolls.
Just want to say one thing: We were long over the state of warning.
It was already the second ban - first ban came from my site for one eve - this first ban didn t come from nowwhere - i tried to talk to him several times - all I got was a stfu.
Second ban came from paganini - for 2 days.
and again: noone has a problem with making some jokes - I also have to lough when podle comes up making some jokes with paradise.
All started with trash talk its true, but meanwhile we are talking about ref abuse.
And yes diabolo I feel disturbed, how you call it.
I m feeling disturbed by the complains of people about this behavior and by the behavior - muting is not a option.
beer is a quake server and not the personal abuse room for some people here- If you wonna do that, create a teamspeak room and abuse each other as long as you like.

And yes diabolo I feel disturbed, how you call it.
I m feeling disturbed by the complains of people about this behavior and by the behavior - muting is not a option.
beer is a quake server and not the personal abuse room for some people here- If you wonna do that, create a teamspeak room and abuse each other as long as you like.
well kresye u wrong. u and those ppl that feel "disturbed" but should be ur personal opinion, u said right, it's a quake server, public place, where ppl can say the fuck they want, as long as they don't go DIRECTLY to bother other ppl that wanna be in peace. the fact that ur admin of server, doesn't mean it's ur house so u make the boss what u wanna read and what u don't. those ppl that complain to u shouldn't even complain, it's not something that interests them, nobody trolling them, nobody calling them and nobody communicating to them, they just read what other ppl is saying to other ppl being on agree and joking, however the joke is, so it aint even their right to judge. i know u feel disturbed, had no doubt, i understood already what person u are, by seeying on server and on shoutbox, those boring ones, classy and self-elevated that when see a comment "unpolite" says "oh my gosh, how childish these ppl, bloody awful" i said before, if on server i say hey bax suck my cock and he said ahah suck mine ah sry i don't can disturb u or can not, but it's ur personal opinion, me n bax are joking, can be disturbing or not, but we not offending anyone and not damaging anything, there should not be such a nazi stuff on servers....about ur saying about "if u wanan do that go make teamspeak server" and the word "abuse"...u totally's rly retarded, u tell me that "dirty ignorant unfunny pigs" should "adapt" to "super classy educated smart and fancy-cultured cool" ppl but not vice-versa, so u transforming the server the way YOU prefeer, it's a server, public place...u wrong...mute ain't an option? why not? exist for what then? u and those others "light beings" with a super elavated intelligence and culture, if feel that ur elegance gets disturbed by such ugly primitive low intelligence and culture jokes, can use mute and ur lifes are good, so there is "space for everyone on earth", on a server with low life forms and super high life forms, all togheter, as long as nobody DIRECTLY offends other unwillingnly ppl, it's all ok, if ur eyes burns, can use mute, and EVERYONE can co-exist. the way u talk is like those rich ppl that doesn't wanna go to normal restaurant coz it's full of "normal ppl" so they go to super cool places for be with similar boring ppl.
I have an opinion and this is the internet, so here..
The sever "Is" privately owned and payed for. But is open to the public.
Its is similar to how pubs and restaurants exist irl. The person who owns the or holds rights to the premises makes the rules and structures what kind of experience the public have. The public can choose how they want to act but in the end they have no real rights over the people in charge.
I think in this case its an example of people not making or not enforcing sever rules clearly enough. Some admins seem to be more lax than others which allows players to use them against each other in an attempt to break down the rules system via misrepresentation. Although I'm sure after this everyone will wise up for at least a little while.
So my advice would be read the rules, follow them and don't be a dick about it.
2 things, 1st if i connect there tomorrow, with the rules paper printer under my hands, im gonna have banned the whole community, coz most surely all of them will break at least 1 rule so idk how much fun gonna be playing kersy vs bots, 2nd, nowdays, on e+ there are just 2 "pubs" coz no more ppl and stuff : rusrail and beer, if the admins of these servers, put their favourite personal "laws" about how "they want", for ppl that wanna play the game not being a clone of them, gonna be a pain in the ass, or u follow their shit or u don't play, coz they are owner so they put their own dick rules. it's a goddamn quake 3 server, public, for let ppl go there and shoot eat other with a possibility to even write, there should be ALMOST no rules, its not a u say about rules n stuff, with government laws is the same, or u live following them or u don't live at all, problem is that our "owners" are making same dick rules as server owners, it's for the logit that u used that we're fucked, coz goverment puts rules as they want and we're constricted to obey or we get "bans", luckly, there is ppl that doesn't live with the rules paper printed in hand, otherwise they couldn't live at all....there is difference between being owner/admin and being an oppressor coz in charge...idk how many wars and how many ppl died in centuries for achieve the RIGHTS of liberty of opinion, democracy, freedom n similar shits, if every server owner/admin/goverment makes his own dickrules under his own preferences and humans/players are constricted to live/play by dictators choices....guys i got a bad feeling bout it, got a bad feeling that we're regressing, not advancing....
what right are you talkinhg about: your personal right to abuse? based on human rights or what?

what right are you talkinhg about: your personal right to abuse? based on human rights or what?
abuse what? who? abuse is a thing, offend is a thing, joking between friends, on agree, is another. as i stated already before, me and bax are on beer, call idiot each other all the time, for joke, ppl get annoyed by it, but we abusing nobody, it's personal opinions, they can think me n bax are sux and get bothered from our jokes, we might think they're snobish and boring and we get bothered from their childish behavior to wanna us banned coz they don't share our similar humor....all this is just points of view, personal opinions, but far away from abuse.
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this thread, I read each and every post.
Now on a different note, I noticed my shout was deleted since it was PG13 and everyone here seems to be very young. Yesterday, all day, I saw a lot of coarse language in the shoutbox, but that wasn't deleted. Why would it be? Delete paradise's shout because it's funnier and us, the justice crew, can't take funny jokes that involve organs we don't use too often.
In my almost 29 years of life, I've met a lot of emotionally undeveloped individuals, people who are stuck up, yet exude this whiff of intelligence that's generally doubled by a sort of authority or accomplishment (such as getting likes for FB posts such as “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars” that would make Socrates himself bow down in awe) which eventually makes them feel they belong.
Anyway, I'm tired of posting here, so instead I'll continue to drink my cofffee.
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