a lot of pap in here xD where are the BEST SCREENSHOTS EVER?
u mean such screens?
after 8 frags i started to get the timing and then relax and trying some high aim, was around 20 impressives, at the end i missed then 4 shoots for the last frag.
heh thats more like it very nice.
there should be this thread for the "best" and maybe another for "Good Screesnhots"
O_o>>>acc BFG - 120%<<<o_O
O_o>>>acc BFG - 120%<<<o_O
what is so odd? Oo
you hit more people with one shot, you get more accuracy.
BUt if i shot on two enemy i must have 200%
Well, when you shoot BFG in bro-like cfg it releases 4 grenades... then there's splash damage... there's some kind of system for this
man if one grenade in enemy this is 100%. right?
yes>>>how i have 120% i must have 200%
no>>> one grenade =25%(100% (4grenade)= 25%(one grenade)). How i can have 120%??^^
thi is not true man! i dunno hav this can be!
I think it is calculated by damage and not by hits.
so maybe one nade droped near enemy and has give some splash damage .
Same thing is with eff.
here you can see skull never died but eff is not 100 because he recived some damage.
Same thing is with eff. you can see skull never died but eff is not 100 because he recived some damage.
eff is fucked up anyways, since if u get an armor, and then get railed, ur damage noticed in the stats is reduced by the amount of armor.
anyways, who cares about bfg aim? its most times used for moving anyways
lol nood i spamed a sreen some sides before 2 atacks and 3 kills with gountlet give me 150 acc