Blaming Kraster For...
8. August 2007 - 18:03
Blaming Kraster For...
i blame u for not joining the 2two cup
8. August 2007 - 18:53
Blaming Kraster For...
I blame Kraster for the wound on my thumb!
8. August 2007 - 19:20
Blaming Kraster For...
I blame Kraster for those awful, god-fucking-damned, horrible, completely mindless and idiotic quote pyramids. ._.
8. August 2007 - 19:30
Blaming Kraster For...
I blame Kraster for those awful, god-fucking-damned, horrible, completely mindless and idiotic quote pyramids. ._.
ive just do it twice
8. August 2007 - 19:54
Blaming Kraster For...
who started them? lol
8. August 2007 - 20:00
Blaming Kraster For...
who started them? lol
*pointing to foksie*
8. August 2007 - 20:01
Blaming Kraster For...
Does it matter, tho? Kraster is taking all the blame anyway.
8. August 2007 - 20:09
Blaming Kraster For...
am i cursed?
9. August 2007 - 15:37
Blaming Kraster For...
I blame Kraster.
I blame Kraster for the milk in my refridgerator expiring! A POX on your curdled hatred!
I wont sh*t you bro, you're my favorite turd!
Confucious say He who shits in church is sitting in his own pew.