Blaming Kraster For...
flipper is not in deva so it wasnt him but it wasnt me either o.O
Ye-he-he-he-s, it wasn't "K"raster, it was "K"krastOr kekek
I blame Kraster for not me making any sense T_T
I blame Kraster for having everyone poke fun and blame em for random things
i blame Kraster for not placing the Skull vs Tyr frag in the sudden death movie
I blame Kraster for having to wait till summer for Abused Majesty's new album
I blame Kraster for pokemons, pokemans and pokeurmoms..
You can't blame Kraster for Pokemon! cause then Kraster would be responsible for the corruption of millions of little kids...with them stupid little pokemon...
blamings are allowed between 18-20 gmt
I blame Kraster for... Walker Texas Ranger being cancelled