This thread is to simply post evidence of cheaters you have seen with as much proof as you can provide, the more the better. Any babbling or flaming with be deleted.
If you need to further discuss individual cases make a new thread and link to it form here, then you can report back here, with the resolution of the discussions,with a link to that thread of course.
That way we can get a more concise and digestible picture of who has been caught/banned and why.
The original cheater thread was and is a great, but as mow pointed out, its become bloated with pointless non directional statements and lost its focus and effectiveness.
for ref: original cheater thread
i had a guy on tryout for lemon which seams to have no trouble shooting thru the fog on q3tourney5.
pb was on and we where playing some time already so pb scans should have been finished by then.
i dont know if this is a very smart player or a cheator.
@weebl: yes i was moving and standing stil sometimes to expose him better, in which i succeeded. in the end he made a few impossible shots. unless he is smart somehow.
Defenetly a hack, dunno if wh-hack or just a simpmle no-fog-hack.
I would like really to see how he sees u through fog! Ask him for screenies, how he c the map.
Maybe its a file like "low-explosions" which reduces the fog.
On this SS is no enemy to see, and he did many shots like this, especial begginning with time 997:30, from there on.
Pic 1 = my config, Pic 2 = default:
ummm smart in the way of installing a cheat ?
no, if you know the respawn places and shoot on them, a few kills can be explained.
i made 4 screencaptures of a few normal players in 1vs1 server.
you might find them somewhere, im very curious of the screen results.
sorry, just get this message from pbsvss
[code:1]Screenshot transfer was incomplete.
sorry, just get this message from pbsvss
[code:1]Screenshot transfer was incomplete.
i stayed on server a little longer but nothing happens, maybe u have more rights which could make it work, or, this feature doesnt work in e+.
Concerning camel,I was there with bert,I was the one who recorded him,and I tryed picmip 0 and picmip 10,the fog is very very visible with both picmips so without a modified pk3 file or a hack he cant rail him directly...IMO.
cheater on deex frozen now
wtf...cheater invasion lol
Concerning camel,I was there with bert,I was the one who recorded him,and I tryed picmip 0 and picmip 10,the fog is very very visible with both picmips so without a modified pk3 file or a hack he cant rail him directly...IMO.
did the server have pure 1 aswell?
wrote:Concerning camel,I was there with bert,I was the one who recorded him,and I tryed picmip 0 and picmip 10,the fog is very very visible with both picmips so without a modified pk3 file or a hack he cant rail him directly...IMO.did the server have pure 1 aswell?
pure was off