Cheater Report Discussion
anybody has a clear idea about first time q3?
i think i've seen a german "first time q3" like maybe 2 weeks ago on beer
first time q3, i remember is netherlands and he told was hammer's friend . in beer freeze serv
admin of server pls give ip of him
about first time q3
Have you seen how he has killed the players?
His crosshair was not on the player (completely), but he has taken.
And the fire rate and damage (from MG) are also greater.
I'm maybe old, but not fallen on head. There's something strange
I will send a private message to the admins (because of the IP number)
fire rate and damage must not be higher, can be just the shadow instaweapon customhax-smoothed bot...that autocorrect mg smooth from left to right on the opponent.
how many killers from germany we have? or they are the same person?
NO OFFENCE hazo, but wat u talking about? Just BS.
Give a reasonable answer to the subject, or hold you back.
just I see man above my previous post with nick killer, dunno about U, but one killer also from germany had the same avatar. that's why I asked, but honestly I don't care about it. and sry for off-topic
what was his country? if lithuania he is old player and clean as far as i know.