Cheater Report Discussion
i dare say that wh on players like sql or hrd would be a liability, standing in they're way , but few ppl actually CAN understand that .
To Skull, Monster and other fakenickers on Vanilla! Duel:
Imo that's why you shouldn't be using fakenicks on server like that. Why? You avoid nerves for suspictions of cheating, wasting time to analyze it and in that way you avoid most of problems.
Another great profit is that, once people know your nickname there's a high chance someone will eventually join.
I'll take myself as an example. I see a guy playing on Vanilla! Duel, I don't know him so I don't join, I already got bored of hopping in the game with random people because average game takes like 2 minutes because my opponent already quits because he's losing hard. When I see some known nickname known to me there's a high chance I will join him since I love to play competitive duels.
its a fucking public server, stop being a woman
Does using a bot online - by bot I mean a bot with AI - is forbidden?
@mnstr still showing a CA game where you shoot some guys who show no dodge at all is not a proof for that high lg on duel but is anyway nice
Does using a bot online - by bot I mean a bot with AI - is forbidden?
it depends on the players/admin
How do people find working cheats?
I mean - I don't think there are many players in quake 3 now. Cheats are created by players. Evermore such players should have a good knowledge in quake 3 and programming in general. If even such players still exist, why do they share their work with somebody else? Back in time quake was enough popular, PB was updating and has been able to caught cheaters.
So, how happens that someone still having enough interest and skills in making cheats and willing to share them?
I don't know, maybe Zarzyn can explain how did he find his cheats or someone else having ideas.
Mudak ty nie maju Google. : X Go feed your team leader in chicken topic. Hf ask skull he know all h4x around ,
Today I caught a cheater(wh) on Beer.Fr
It's oddly, server is pure, else he say punkbuster for him is also not scary.
But is scary for me Sad
Today I caught a cheater(wh) on Beer.Fr
It's oddly, server is pure, else he say punkbuster for him is also not scary.
But is scary for me Saddemo?
If catch him again, demo will here!
In now he gets yellow card from me.