Circle jumps etc
why in e+ circle jums, strafe is so not popular??? im bit newbie, so I saw, it can do only few ppl from e+ clandb.
i love to watch demos from CPMA, OSP only for moves, most ppl from that MOD can do it. its so grate... ofcource in e+ it is not so necesary like in base q3, but...
Well, i think the main reason is that E+ dosen't require a high degree of ground moving skill like most other mods do - here you have weapon movement that replaces it.
If there were more use for those moves they'd be more popular. I strafe constantly, strafe + aim, strafejump, et cetera not only to move faster but also because aimnoobs can't hit me so easily, even with bfg.
heh combine the above two posts and u get the answer.
u get totally free weapon jumps in e+ (which imo is kinda, umm i wont say lame, but its too easy.) whats more u get uber-weapon jumps in most configs. therefore developing strafing skills is pretty pointless.
i use strafe only when people arent in the room or i can see nobodys gonna hit me if i strafe.
imo e+ movement makes it too easy for people. (i know there are people who argue it isnt and that weapon jumps take a lot of time to learn and all but pffft.). proof is easy. i started e+ about 6 months ago. picked up weapon jumping in about a month. the rest of it was just finding out for myself where the key bfg slides are in every map. there is no learning curve. u just pick-it up and thats about it. (not saying there is NO skill involved. most people dont seem to know that bfg slides can be much more effective with just a little tweaking). started promode about the same time and even after 6 months i can barely move fast. even now most of the time i have lots of good players escaping me by just running even when i have superior weapons.
as long as configs have freeb weap jumps, there will be no strafing in e+. pity tho. q3 without strafing feels so empty.
well learning how to jump is easy.
learning how to jump properly, from a strategic point of view, is the hard part.
just jumping gets you nowhere.
the answer is pretty easy, the best players (really just the best, maybe some nooby swes not) can strafe, the nubs not.
and btw u got a normal speed of 350/400 in e+, so not much strafejump needed.
I strafe constantly, strafe + aim
how you can strafing and aiming at same time ?
the answer is pretty easy, the best players (really just the best, maybe some nooby swes not) can strafe, the nubs not.
and btw u got a normal speed of 350/400 in e+, so not much strafejump needed.
yes smth like skull told. ppl who using strafes, circles, using them in e+ also, it is like base movement for them, but as skully said it is useless in e+, ppl who are really ussing it playing defrag, osp - shortly, mods where u havent 500 multijumps and speed 350-400, in mods where those skills bring them plus for game
wrote:I strafe constantly, strafe + aimhow you can strafing and aiming at same time ?
I have good left/right-hand coordination... I never stopped to think about it, but I've seen myself doing it lots on demo...
easy drill strafe ad wait until the enemy is in the crosshair.
autoshoot is usefull in such situations (starfe from left to right) XD
how can u strafe and aim at the same time? lol interesting question. play osp or cpma and u'll get it pretty fast cos if u cant ur dead meat. (ur dead mate even if u can but thats not the point is it )
wrote:I strafe constantly, strafe + aimhow you can strafing and aiming at same time ?
Uh... the real question should be - how can you NOT strafe and aim at the same time? LOL!