Timenudge sucks very hard , and if to much people use it , it let people lag who are not on timenudge , i warn for it and i ask people nicely to put it back on 0 , if they dont do they can search another server , simple as that
Its just messing with values and no1 know exactly what its doing but u dont get more skill of it and u bug other players with it
if I am right timenudge gives insane advantage to people with lowping
low ping = < 60 ms???
if I am right timenudge gives insane advantage to people with lowping
I tryed it once , on beer i had normally 12ms
I tryed nudge -30 and my ping dropped to 0ms and my screen started to flick as hell and i didnt hit a thing
These all nekwork commands are designed to make it smoother (more in sycn in the case of timenudge) to play the game. they do not help in anyways which you would think is a cheat or hax. if you have - or + nudge on yourself and you don't understand it but you think it "helps" your sadly and mostly probably wrong (placebo effect). The easiest way of configuring nudge is once you have used all other settings to achieve connection smoothness and your still not happy as a last ditch option look at your ping graph and change your nudge value so you have as close to a thin blue line as possible. Other random values will not help you and probably make your game play worse. Most of the time nudge is only needed (rarely) up to -5 to 5 any thing above/below that is ridiculous and should get a kick from sever for just being stupid. By the way banning someone from a sever is really extreme for using this command, its not as "dangerous" as you might think if people actually knew what it was for. However now we just have people using it and all it does is degrade their own game play quality. Just like if you put in the wrong maxpackets value for example 5, its just stupid.
really. its being awhile since i read up and tested the command so allow me some leeway, however the the points stand it can be useful (rarely) but most players just use it without understanding what it is useful for and degrade their own gameplay quality for no return (skull you might be thinking that in some situations it can help a player but the side affects cancel out any slight/time based advantage as what the player sees is more predicted and not actual realtime game play which is always the best place to be). One thing i would like to know is what on earth negative timenudge is useful for if it cant help the player? maybe the quake devs just wanted to simulate certain network problems, if so i guess they should have left it out.
i tested with m8's the cl_timenudge 0 and the -1 and up, more high, more lag it gived...i mean the player who had the timenudge negative, didnt noticed the lags, but for the enemys it was like he was loosing packets...
also if you play in the team, normaly i do lag if ppl use timenudge negative more higher than -15 in my team. If i do us the cl_timenudge -20 i dont lag, but if i use -30 or higher i experiment lags.
I see players with cl_timenudge -20 with a box under their heads, a blue one, like they lose connection but it teleports over the map time to time...
in dm17 is more hell to hit them...
so tell me guys and girls, it is a disatvantage or advantage ; ) and ofc for who, the player or the enemy player ? for me its advantage for the player who has it, but disatvantage for the enemy.
in quake live, it seems works a bit different.
In fact, thats what hapens to me when ppl use it if the player with timenudge negative with a high number in my team i do lag (packet loss) and if its not in my team (enemy) he is teleporting time to time over the map and is a bit more diff to hit him.
Well at least is what hapens to me, dunno for others
if I am right timenudge gives insane advantage to people with lowping
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."