wrote:Hmm.. I have 1024 sdram(?). Is it same as ram? Could it be the problem?I just opened two A3 sized cmyk colored posters which had 300px/inch resolution. I had to change these images from photoshop format to pdf-format. This task took 12 minutes. Just to open them and save them again to pdf. It's how slow my computer is right now.
A3 is 5000 x 3500 pixels ? 16million colours ?
thats about 60 mb uncompressed and my comp has no problem with this and i got emule running in the background. it was done under 2 minutes.
but i saw it was using the pagefile alot.
i used psp9 to create a 5000 x 3500 pixels image, pasted some pictures in it and converted it to pdf with pdf printer and set paper to a3 and picture downscaling to 300pixels per inch.
my comp is an amd 3800+ single core 939 with 1gig of ddr400 memory.
like i wrote: a3 format is: 9933x7016 px its 200 mb
A3 11.7 x 16.5 inch
@300pix per inch --> 3510 x 4950 resolution.
psp9 says 57mb mem usage at 16mb colours
ps3 says 137mb mem usage at cmyk 16bit
both conversions are 2 minutes with low cpu usage and much caching with 1gb memory.
what im saying is that my comp doesnt realy get overstressed and you have almost the same comp. unless we are overlooking some factors.
adding or replacing your memory with 2gig and a dual core athlon 4200+ could increase performance by 400% for under 200 euro.
but this is very dangerous to say because there could be factors slowing your comp down which we cant see.
omg when i saw this topic i was expecting some oldsK00L talk about this:
This baby had 16kb of RAM and 16 colors display. you could do some hardcore photoshoppin on that Allison
its not easy, maybe you have an old hd, or onboard gpu that uses shared ram?
with this program you can see what your computer is made of.
Intel are better at aplications
While AMD are better at gaming
AMD tend to better on the pocket
Im going to be making new computer some time this year
I'll be taking mouse an dvd writer from old comp.
If your going to upgrade your computer u may need to change alot of things.
You upgrade the CPU u may need new mother board new ram an even new PSU
With Graphics cards an Hard Drives they can be used mostly with any kind of hardware though newer GFX card required your comp to be at high spec to get the most from it.
An SATA hard drives are only compatiple with certain motherboards too.
So be carefull what you choose
But im sure everyone around here will give you good advice
lol soz for rambleing on
So what this means? My computer is garbage, right? Hmm.. I had two of those posters open btw but it propably doesn't affect to this.
Thanks for the help, guys. I knew there are computer wizards on forums who can help me. Maybe I try to update my computer and forget those Commodores (they look awesome though). It seems to be much cheaper. I could do some fancy paintjob to my computer to make it look better, now its just gray box .
- Alli